Giorno: 4 Ottobre 2017

Considerazioni progettuali per un efficiente convertitore DC-DC
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Considerazioni progettuali per un efficiente convertitore DC-DC

Mediante un’accurata selezione della componentistica e della frequenza di switching di un controllore PWM è possibile ottenere alte prestazioni da convertitori DC-DC, specialmente laddove occorrono…

VE3RZ/VP9 Bermuda Islands. From
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VE3RZ/VP9 Bermuda Islands. From

Anthony, VE3RZ will be active from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA – 005, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 – 26 November 2017 as VE3RZ/VP9.,…

D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From
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D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From

Luca, HB9OBD is currently active from Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, as D44KIT., D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From, ,

Il Girf sui binari di Orvieto
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Il Girf sui binari di Orvieto

Sabato 7 Ottobre 2017, in una Sala dell’Hotel “Picchio” a duecento metri dalla Stazione FS di Orvieto  Scalo (Tr), si svolgerà la Cerimonia di Premiazione…

New Ham Radio Equipment for International Space Station
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New Ham Radio Equipment for International Space Station

Photo:ARISS 25 watt JVC-Kenwood D710GA at Hamvention 2017 – Credit John Brier KG4AKV The ARISS website reports on progress towards flying new amateur radio equipment to the…

TH-D74 VHF/UHF Dual Band Handheld with GPS Webnair
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TH-D74 VHF/UHF Dual Band Handheld with GPS Webnair

The TH-D74 is Kenwood’s latest hand held transceiver. It offers a wide range of features including digital (D-STAR), 2m/70cm analogue FM, APRS as well as…