Giorno: 18 Ottobre 2017

Risparmio energetico: il ruolo chiave dell’illuminazione a stato solido
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Risparmio energetico: il ruolo chiave dell’illuminazione a stato solido

Grazie alla continua erosione dei prezzi l’illuminazione a LED sta via via sostituendo le soluzioni di illuminazioni tradizionali, più ingombranti e meno efficienti, e si…

David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, Confirmed as Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
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David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, Confirmed as Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy

The US Senate today confirmed ARRL member David Trachtenberg, N4WWL, of Burke, Virginia, as the next Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Trachtenberg,…

New Ham Bands Spring to Life; Veteran LF Experimenter Denied Amateur Access to 2200 Meters
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New Ham Bands Spring to Life; Veteran LF Experimenter Denied Amateur Access to 2200 Meters

Photo:VO1NA Amateur Radio’s two newest bands came to life on Friday the 13th. Both 630 meters (472-479 kHz) and 2200 meters (135.7-137.8 kHz) bands now…

FT-8 Digital Mode Has Taken Over The HF Bands!
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FT-8 Digital Mode Has Taken Over The HF Bands!

“Finally got my antenna back up today, decided to take a browse through the bands. There is a ton of FT-8 to be had on…

AMSAT-UK Colloquium Talks –  New Videos
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AMSAT-UK Colloquium Talks – New Videos

Videos of the presentations given at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium, which was held as part of the RSGB Convention in Milton Keynes, October 14-15,…

Volunteer Shelter Duty Slots in Northern California Filled on the Fly “via RF”
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Volunteer Shelter Duty Slots in Northern California Filled on the Fly “via RF”

The North Bay Amateur Radio Association’s (NBARA) Gary Gross, KE6QR, recruited Amateur Radio volunteers on October 13 to support the shelters housing those evacuating because…