Giorno: 27 Ottobre 2017

Una panoramica sulle misure ottiche
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Una panoramica sulle misure ottiche

L’industria del LED sta rapidamente crescendo e questo porta naturalmente alla necessità di effettuare misure affidabili che spesso costituiscono la base per un confronto equo…

JOTA Wants Your on the Air Station Reports
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JOTA Wants Your on the Air Station Reports

Boy Scouts of America Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Coordinator Jim Wilson, K5ND, is encouraging stations that took part in the October 20-22 event to…

SSTV Goes Very High Profile
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SSTV Goes Very High Profile

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo SSTV Goes Very High Profile su Etere Blog.

3C1L Equatorial Guinea. From
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3C1L Equatorial Guinea. From

Juris, YL2GM with team will be active from Equatorial Guinea as 3C1L., 3C1L Equatorial Guinea. From, ,

EA6 Amateur Radio Menorca Island. From
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EA6 Amateur Radio Menorca Island. From

The Balearic Islands do not attract the attention of most DX-hunters. The EA6 prefix can be heard on all bands and modes almost daily., EA6…

YJ0MB Vanuatu. From
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YJ0MB Vanuatu. From

VK2BXE will be active again from Efate Island, IOTA OC – 035, Vanuatu, 1 – 7 November 2017 as YJ0MB., YJ0MB Vanuatu. From, ,

Tennessee RadioShack Re-Opens, Partners with Local Ham Radio Club
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Tennessee RadioShack Re-Opens, Partners with Local Ham Radio Club

The Citizen Tribune newspaper in Tennessee recently reported that a newly re-opened RadioShack store in Jefferson City has partnered with the Lakeway Amateur Radio Club (LARC) to offer licensing classes. Manager…

First ZS EME Record on 10 GHz (3 cm)
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First ZS EME Record on 10 GHz (3 cm)

On 22 October 2017 at 15:46 UTC, Alex Artieda, ZS6EME, recorded the first-ever Digital EME QSO with HB9Q on 10 GHz. This is the first…

DMR Dual Band Radioddity GD-77 Review HT
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DMR Dual Band Radioddity GD-77 Review HT

Here is a video just showing the Radioddity GD-77 dual band DMR HT. A much better model than the GD-55, and definately worth the price…

Ailunce HD1 dual band DMR Radio is coming
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Ailunce HD1 dual band DMR Radio is coming

Ailunce HD1 Description: HD1 dual band digital radio uses Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 Standard protocol. It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO…

CQWW DX Contest Propagation Update – Focus on the Low Bands
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CQWW DX Contest Propagation Update – Focus on the Low Bands

CQ Propagation Editor Tomas Hood, NW7US, updates us on expected propagation conditions during both the SSB and CW weekends of the 2017 CQ World Wide DX…