Mese: Ottobre 2017

XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA – 078. From
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XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA – 078. From

Manuel, XE2IC will be active from Magdalena Island, IOTA NA – 078, as XF1IM 25 November – 3 December 2017., XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA…

FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From
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FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From

Damien, F4AZF will be active from Saint Barthelemy Island, IOTA NA – 146, 10 – 20 October 2017 as FJ/F4AZF., FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From…

Ham radio operators take part in largest ever severe weather drill
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Ham radio operators take part in largest ever severe weather drill

— Ham radio operators are a big part of emergency communications in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Now, local operators are taking part…

Superfest-Ham Radio Outlet Milwaukee BY N9LVS
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Superfest-Ham Radio Outlet Milwaukee BY N9LVS

  September 29 & 30 Ham Radio Outlet Superfest: Milwaukee, 5710 West Good Hope Road, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Website: Equipment Icom IC7610 – RX…

Vice President Mike Pence Visits Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico
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Vice President Mike Pence Visits Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico

Vice President Mike Pence visited radio amateurs and emergency responders at the Puerto Rico Emergency Operations Center (PREOC) in San Juan’s Convention Center on the…

Chip eMRAM basato sul processo FD-SOI 28nm da Samsung
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Chip eMRAM basato sul processo FD-SOI 28nm da Samsung

Samsung Electronics ha annunciato di aver ampliato la propria leadership della tecnologia di processo FD-SOI offrendo derivati ​​che includono RF e eMRAM.  Avendo già stabilito…

Un compilatore Ada per AVR
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Un compilatore Ada per AVR

Ada è un linguaggio di programmazione nato per volontà del DoD (il ministero della difesa degli Stati Uniti) per impieghi su sistemi embedded in applicazioni…

The November Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!
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The November Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!

The November edition of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…

Hurricane Watch Net Eyeing Tropical Storm Nate
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Hurricane Watch Net Eyeing Tropical Storm Nate

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is closely monitoring tropical storm Nate, which is expected to become a Category 1 hurricane by the time it reaches…

Online examinations announcement ( UK )
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Online examinations announcement ( UK )

An online option for Full examinations (previously known as Advanced) was launched in March 2017. Clubs, exam centres and candidates have all given very positive…

ELAD Products DUO-ART & SP1 [ Video ]
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ELAD Products DUO-ART & SP1 [ Video ]

DUO-ART & SP1 VHF SAMCOM Mini Mobile Radio 218 November 10, 2015 No comments SAMCOM Mini Mobile Radio 218 Key Specifications Frequency Range V:136.000MHz-174.000MHz V:220.000MHz-248.000MHz U:400.000MHz-470.000MHz System…

ARRL Foundation Accepting Scholarship Applications
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ARRL Foundation Accepting Scholarship Applications

The ARRL Foundation Scholarship program is now accepting applications from eligible applicants. The deadline to submit applications is January 31, 2018. More information is on the ARRL…

La Gestione degli Interrupt sui Microcontrollori Arduino (ATMega e ATSAM3X8E)
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La Gestione degli Interrupt sui Microcontrollori Arduino (ATMega e ATSAM3X8E)

Tutti oramai sanno cos’è un Arduino, ovvero di come un dispositivo di prototipizzazione elettronica rapida abbia semplificato i test e la realizzazione di molti circuiti,…

HK4/LU9EFO HK3TU/4 Tutumate Island. From
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HK4/LU9EFO HK3TU/4 Tutumate Island. From

Martin, LU9EFO inform that he and Camilo, HK3TU will be active as HK4/LU9EFO and HK3TU/4 from Tutumate Island, IOTA SA – 093 in November…

HK1/LU9EFO HK3TU/1 Rosario Islands. From
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HK1/LU9EFO HK3TU/1 Rosario Islands. From

Martin, LU9EFO inform that he and Camilo, HK3TU will be active as HK1/LU9EFO and HK3TU/1 from Rosario Islands, IOTA SA – 040 in November…

VR2/KC0W Cheung Chau Island Hong Kong. From
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VR2/KC0W Cheung Chau Island Hong Kong. From

Thomas, KC0W will be active from Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong, IOTA AS – 006, 1 – 15 November 2017 as VR2/KC0W., VR2/KC0W Cheung Chau…

II3WW nelle Valli del Pasubio
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II3WW nelle Valli del Pasubio

Per maggiori informazioni clicca sull’immagine 73 de, Gian Pietro, IK3FHP

Nuovo package da Toshiba
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Nuovo package da Toshiba

Toshiba ha presentato un nuovo package tipo SO6L(LF4) per gli accoppiatori ottici.  Il package è disponibile per tre dispositivi high speed e cinque driver IGBT…

Esiste un metodo per vincere sicuramente ai punti scommesse?
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Esiste un metodo per vincere sicuramente ai punti scommesse?

Spostando un attimo lo sguardo al Totocalcio, è possibile vincere al 100% a questo gioco? La risposta è si, purché si giochino tutte le possibili…

Torna a Milano “föra la fuffa”!
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Torna a Milano “föra la fuffa”!

Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare la locandina in PDF

Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico Meet a Variety of Communication Needs
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Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico Meet a Variety of Communication Needs

Amateur Radio volunteers deployed as American Red Cross volunteers to Puerto Rico, as part of the “Force of 50” last weekend, have been focusing their…

Icom IC7610 – RX and Menu [ Video ]
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Icom IC7610 – RX and Menu [ Video ]

Icom IC7610  The SDR Everyone Wants! Receivers Independent direct sampling receivers capable of receiving two bands/two modes simultaneously. DIGI-SEL pre-selector for enhanced interference rejection. Digital…

Considerazioni progettuali per un efficiente convertitore DC-DC
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Considerazioni progettuali per un efficiente convertitore DC-DC

Mediante un’accurata selezione della componentistica e della frequenza di switching di un controllore PWM è possibile ottenere alte prestazioni da convertitori DC-DC, specialmente laddove occorrono…

VE3RZ/VP9 Bermuda Islands. From
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VE3RZ/VP9 Bermuda Islands. From

Anthony, VE3RZ will be active from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA – 005, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 – 26 November 2017 as VE3RZ/VP9.,…

D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From
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D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From

Luca, HB9OBD is currently active from Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, as D44KIT., D44KIT Cape Verde Cabo Verde. From, ,