Giorno: 10 Novembre 2017

HP8/W1USN HP8/AA1M Panama. From
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HP8/W1USN HP8/AA1M Panama. From

Mike, W1USN and Bob, AA1M will be active from Panama 1 – 15 February 2018 as HP8/W1USN and HP8/AA1M., HP8/W1USN HP8/AA1M Panama. From, ,

AH2EA Guam Island. From
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AH2EA Guam Island. From

JF2WGN will be active from Guam Island, IOTA OC – 026, 9 – 13 November 2017 as AH2EA., AH2EA Guam Island. From, ,

VP9/DK7LX Bermuda Islands. From
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VP9/DK7LX Bermuda Islands. From

Georg, DK7LX inform, that he will be active from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA – 005, 7 – 21 November 2017 as VP9/DK7LX., VP9/DK7LX Bermuda…

Addio Presidente Mario
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Addio Presidente Mario

Con grande dispiacere comunico che è venuto a mancare il Presidente Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP, che con grandissima forza di volontà, passione ed energia ha fatto…

I messaggi di cordoglio
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I messaggi di cordoglio

Giancarlo Moda, I7SWX • Ho appena appreso della dipartita di Mario Ambrosi, I2MQP. Sono scioccato e dispiaciuto molto. Vi prego di accettare le mie condoglianze…

Announcing: The ARRL International Grid Chase!
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Announcing: The ARRL International Grid Chase!

A new and exciting operating event will kick off on January 1, 2018, at 0000 UTC (New Year’s Eve in US time zones), when the ARRL…

Dark Coronal Hole Brings Bright Aurora: Solar Storm Forecast 11-09-2017
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Dark Coronal Hole Brings Bright Aurora: Solar Storm Forecast 11-09-2017

“Again we find ourselves with a spotless Sun, yet a huge solar storm hits Earth and brings stunning aurora clear down to Germany and Nebraska!…

NVIS: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave [ PodCast ]
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NVIS: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave [ PodCast ]

Sometimes the best direction to send your signal is straight up! Near vertical incidence skywave, or NVIS, is a skywave radio-wave propagation path that provides…

Argentine radio hams get 5 MHz and 472 kHz bands
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Argentine radio hams get 5 MHz and 472 kHz bands

The Radio Club Argentino, IARU Member Society has succeeded with its petition to their local communications authorities gaining 630m and 60m bands and extension of…