Giorno: 18 Novembre 2017

Trasformatori di corrente 40A AEC-Q200
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Trasformatori di corrente 40A AEC-Q200

Coilcraft ha introdotto una serie di trasformatori che operano fino a 40A da 400Hz a 1MHz e offrono una tensione di isolamento di 4.000Vrms tra…

Tics un sistema operativo real-time
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Tics un sistema operativo real-time

Dalla sua introduzione nel mercato embedded, dal giugno 1992, Tics è utilizzato in diverse applicazioni: dalla telefonia cellulare all’automazione industriale. Uno dei suoi pregi è…

Ballots Counted in 2017 Director, Vice Director Elections
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Ballots Counted in 2017 Director, Vice Director Elections

    The votes are in, and the ballots have been tallied at ARRL Headquarters in contested Director and Vice Director elections. In a two-way…

IARU Participation in ITU-Radiocommunication Consultations Called “Mutually Beneficial”
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IARU Participation in ITU-Radiocommunication Consultations Called “Mutually Beneficial”

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo IARU Participation in ITU-Radiocommunication Consultations Called “Mutually Beneficial” su Etere Blog.

C8T Mozambique. From
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C8T Mozambique. From

International Team of Radio Amateurs will be active from Mozambique, as C8T, 2 – 15 May 2018., C8T Mozambique. From, ,

HC8LUT San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From
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HC8LUT San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From

Radio Amateur DX Pedition HC8LUT will be active from San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, 29 November – 8 December 2017., HC8LUT San Cristobal Island Galapagos…

3W9CW Vietnam. From
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3W9CW Vietnam. From

Tom, KC0W will be active from Con Son Island, IOTA AS – 130, Vietnam, 16 – 28 November 2017 as 3W9CW., 3W9CW Vietnam. From,…

5V1JE Togo. From
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5V1JE Togo. From

John, N9MDH will be active from Togo until end of May 2018 as 5V1JE., 5V1JE Togo. From, ,

Product Announcement DXtreme Monitor Log 11™
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Product Announcement DXtreme Monitor Log 11™

DXtreme Software™ has released a new version of its popular logging program for radio monitoring enthusiasts: DXtreme Monitor Log 11.Monitor Log 11 lets listeners and DXers…

Hamfest 2017 – Preview of the Icom IC-7610 and IC-R8600 rigs
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Hamfest 2017 – Preview of the Icom IC-7610 and IC-R8600 rigs

In part one of our reports from Hamfest 2017 we have a sneak preview of the Icom IC-7610 and IC-R8600 rigs. We meet the new…