Giorno: 19 Novembre 2017

Realizzare un Plane Watcher con Raspberry Pi
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Realizzare un Plane Watcher con Raspberry Pi

Esaminiamo, in questo articolo, un interessante progetto realizzato con il Raspberry Pi, un piccolo display TFT da 3.5 pollici e un economico dispositivo SDR, per…

Michigan Section Manager Appointment Begins on January 1
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Michigan Section Manager Appointment Begins on January 1

Jim Kvochick, K8JK, of Brighton, Michigan, has been appointed as Michigan Section Manager for the first half of next year. His appointment will begin on…

RadFxSat (Fox-1B) Launched Successfully, Designated AO-91
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RadFxSat (Fox-1B) Launched Successfully, Designated AO-91

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo RadFxSat (Fox-1B) Launched Successfully, Designated AO-91 su Etere Blog.