Mese: Novembre 2017

CU4DX Graciosa Island. From
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CU4DX Graciosa Island. From

Oliver, W6NV inform that Alan K0AV and Oliver, W6NV will be active from Graciosa Island, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 – 26…

New Digital Modes Changing Complexion of Bands and Perhaps of Ham Radio
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New Digital Modes Changing Complexion of Bands and Perhaps of Ham Radio

The wave of software-based digital modes over the past several years has altered the atmosphere of the HF bands. Some suggest the popularity of modes…

RSGB Strategy update [ Video ]
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RSGB Strategy update [ Video ]

The RSGB launched its new five-year strategy in April 2017 and already it is having an impact on plans and activities across the organisation. In…

Everybody’s Trying the New FT8!
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Everybody’s Trying the New FT8!

“FT8 is the newest weak-signal mode from Joe Taylor, K1JT, and friends. It operates very much like JT65 but is four times faster and more…

Corso sugli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto partendo da zero: opportunità e problematiche
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Corso sugli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto partendo da zero: opportunità e problematiche

Inizia con questo articolo una lunga serie di puntate dedicate agli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (APR). Si tratta, a tutti gli effetti, di un corso…

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È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Novembre! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al LIGHTING & OPTOELECTRONICS, ecco alcuni articoli: le aspettative…

C’è la vita dopo la morte?
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C’è la vita dopo la morte?

E’ il dubbio che assilla il genere umano. Esistono pareri discordanti dei credenti, degli scienziati e persino della Chiesa. L’esistenza della vita dopo la morte…

XR0YD Easter Island. From
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XR0YD Easter Island. From

German Radio Amateurs will be active from Easter Island, IOTA SA – 001, 2 – 15 March 2018 as XR0YD., XR0YD Easter Island. From,…

Ferrovieri Europei in Contest
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Ferrovieri Europei in Contest

Il concorso è organizzato dalla Fédération Internationale des Radio Amateurs Cheminots (FIRAC). Sito Internet: Data: CW il secondo weekend del mese di maggio. SSB…

630-Meter Special Operating Event on November 11 Commemorates Berlin Treaty
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630-Meter Special Operating Event on November 11 Commemorates Berlin Treaty

Amateur Radio operators will descend upon 630 meters on November 11 during a special operating event to commemorate the 1906 Berlin Treaty, which made 500…

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E’ uscito lo speciale monotematico interamente dedicato all’Energy Harvesting! Più di 100 pagine riguardanti il futuro dell’alimentazione elettrica con tanti approfondimenti sull’uso di fonti energetiche presenti nell’ambiente….

Aspetti ingegneristici della radiazione ultravioletta
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Aspetti ingegneristici della radiazione ultravioletta

Nello spettro elettromagnetico, la radiazione ultravioletta (UV) è classificata come avente una lunghezza d’onda da 10 nm a 400 nm. Queste lunghezze d’onda sono più…

I sensori ottici
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I sensori ottici

Un sensore ottico converte i raggi luminosi in un segnale elettronico. Il suo scopo è quello di misurare una quantità fisica di luce e, a…

Mellish Reef DXpedition Team Has Set Sail
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Mellish Reef DXpedition Team Has Set Sail

The Mellish Reef VK9MA DXpedition team has said it plans to concentrate on the lower bands during its November DXpedition. Mellish is the 29th most-wanted…

A35NM Nuku’Alofa Tongatapu Island Tonga. From
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A35NM Nuku’Alofa Tongatapu Island Tonga. From

Naomi, JM6EBU will be active from Nuku’Alofa, Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC – 049, Tonga as A35NM., A35NM Nuku’Alofa Tongatapu Island Tonga. From, ,

American Red Cross Hails “New Partnership” with ARRL Following Puerto Rico Deployment
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American Red Cross Hails “New Partnership” with ARRL Following Puerto Rico Deployment

The American Red Cross (ARC) this week thanked ARRL and its “Force of 50” hurricane recovery volunteers who deployed to Puerto Rico earlier this month, and it…

Comparing the MD2017 & RT82 DMR HTs, DMRTrack Firmware Info
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Comparing the MD2017 & RT82 DMR HTs, DMRTrack Firmware Info

“I’ve been wanting to do a comparison video for a while between the TYT MD2017 and the Retevis RT-82 dual band DMR HTs, which are…