Anno: 2017

A Look at Propagation for the 2017 – 2018
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A Look at Propagation for the 2017 – 2018

K9LA and W3LPL will review the status of Cycle 24 for the next half-year, andwill discuss how the contest bands will be affected.Bonus – K9LA…

EANET Sprint Contest 2017
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EANET Sprint Contest 2017

Dopo il successo delle edizioni precedenti, ritorna la versione “sprint contest” dil Diploma omonimo, dedicato alle “Radio Clubs del Mondo”. Si terrà il 5 Novembre…

Sempre più optoelettronica e fotonica!
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Sempre più optoelettronica e fotonica!

La crescente domanda di connessioni più veloci per Internet delle cose ha portato allo sviluppo di reti di comunicazione ad alta velocità. L’industria del packaging…

IMEC presenta il sensore di pressione basato su MOMS
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IMEC presenta il sensore di pressione basato su MOMS

Il centro di ricerca nanotecnologico belga della IMEC ha sviluppato un sensore di pressione basato sulla tecnologia micro-optomechanical systems (MOMS). Il dispositivo esprime un’ottima precisione…

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JOTA-JOTI è il più grande evento Scout al mondo con oltre 1 milione di Scout partecipanti in oltre 150 Paesi. L’evento si svolge il terzo…

Puerto Rico Amateur Radio Volunteer Force Deploys New Equipment, Groceries
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Puerto Rico Amateur Radio Volunteer Force Deploys New Equipment, Groceries

As their efforts continue to help Puerto Rico recover from the effects of hurricanes Irma and Maria, ARRL Force of 50 volunteers on the island…

AVR LCD Visualizer
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AVR LCD Visualizer

Un utile tool offerto da Atmel facilita lo sviluppo ed il debug di applicazioni in cui è necessario comandare direttamente display LCD, integrandosi con l’ambiente di sviluppo…

Un web server con stack MicroNet TCP/IP
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Un web server con stack MicroNet TCP/IP

I microcontrollori  della famiglia HCS12 prodotti da Freescale (ora NXP) sono dei micro a 16 bit, versione potenziata dei 68HC11  di Motorola. In questo articolo…

Hardware e logica per la gestione del bus VME
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Hardware e logica per la gestione del bus VME

La struttura hardware, la logica dei segnali e il funzionamento base del più comune bus industriale: il bus VME (Standard IEEE 1014-1987). Un crate VME standard può…

Progettare con Actel Fusion
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Progettare con Actel Fusion

“One Chip is All You Need”, questa è l’espressione che Actel (ora Microsemi) usa per descrivere la sua FPGA Fusion. Questo chip integra all’interno non solo blocchi…

How students in a ham radio club are helping Puerto Rico
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How students in a ham radio club are helping Puerto Rico

Most of Puerto Rico is still without power, making communication difficult. In Queens, New York, a group of students in a ham radio club are…

ARRL and Local Volunteers in Puerto Rico Working Together in Storm Recovery
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ARRL and Local Volunteers in Puerto Rico Working Together in Storm Recovery

Nearly 2 dozen ARRL volunteers from the mainland and five local radio amateurs have been working in concert to do what needs to be done…

E2X   op. E24XUR 9 year old
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E2X op. E24XUR 9 year old

E2X during All Asian Contest SSB 2017 Review Icom ID-51A review on AmateurLogic.TV December 25, 2014 No comments Icom ID-51A review on AmateurLogic.TV Read more…

Hurricane Watch Net Stands Down from Nate Activation
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Hurricane Watch Net Stands Down from Nate Activation

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) formally secured operations for Hurricane Nate today, October 8, at 0900 UTC. The net uses 14.265 and 7.268 MHz. The…

Fldigi v4.0.10 now available
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Fldigi v4.0.10 now available

Within the past few days the hard-working development team led by W1HKJ have announced the release of Fldigi v4.0.10.  This release of Fldigi are maintenance releases with a…

P40EU Aruba. From
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P40EU Aruba. From

Ulf, DL5AXX will be active from Aruba Island, IOTA SA – 036, as P40EU, 12 – 23 October 2017., P40EU Aruba. From, ,

Guetzli, il nuovo algoritmo di Google che riduce le immagini del 35%
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Guetzli, il nuovo algoritmo di Google che riduce le immagini del 35%

Scopriamo Guetzli, il nuovo encoder per immagini JPEG, che promette un alto tasso di compressione dati unito a una eccellente qualità di visualizzazione. La dimensione…

XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA – 078. From
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XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA – 078. From

Manuel, XE2IC will be active from Magdalena Island, IOTA NA – 078, as XF1IM 25 November – 3 December 2017., XF1IM Magdalena Island IOTA NA…

FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From
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FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From

Damien, F4AZF will be active from Saint Barthelemy Island, IOTA NA – 146, 10 – 20 October 2017 as FJ/F4AZF., FJ/F4AZF Saint Barthelemy Island. From…

Ham radio operators take part in largest ever severe weather drill
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Ham radio operators take part in largest ever severe weather drill

— Ham radio operators are a big part of emergency communications in Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Now, local operators are taking part…

Superfest-Ham Radio Outlet Milwaukee BY N9LVS
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Superfest-Ham Radio Outlet Milwaukee BY N9LVS

  September 29 & 30 Ham Radio Outlet Superfest: Milwaukee, 5710 West Good Hope Road, Milwaukee, WI 53201 Website: Equipment Icom IC7610 – RX…

Vice President Mike Pence Visits Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico
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Vice President Mike Pence Visits Amateur Radio Volunteers in Puerto Rico

Vice President Mike Pence visited radio amateurs and emergency responders at the Puerto Rico Emergency Operations Center (PREOC) in San Juan’s Convention Center on the…

Chip eMRAM basato sul processo FD-SOI 28nm da Samsung
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Chip eMRAM basato sul processo FD-SOI 28nm da Samsung

Samsung Electronics ha annunciato di aver ampliato la propria leadership della tecnologia di processo FD-SOI offrendo derivati ​​che includono RF e eMRAM.  Avendo già stabilito…

Un compilatore Ada per AVR
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Un compilatore Ada per AVR

Ada è un linguaggio di programmazione nato per volontà del DoD (il ministero della difesa degli Stati Uniti) per impieghi su sistemi embedded in applicazioni…

The November Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!
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The November Issue of Digital QST is Now Available!

The November edition of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…