Anno: 2017

W1AW to Start Scheduled Transmissions on 6 Meters Beginning on January 2
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W1AW to Start Scheduled Transmissions on 6 Meters Beginning on January 2

ARRL has announced that Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will start scheduled transmissions on 6 meters beginning on January 2. Transmissions on 50.350 MHz will become…

JTAlert 2.10.5
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JTAlert 2.10.5

JTAlert users who want to use the new WSJT-X FT8 mode need to update their JTAlert version to 2.10.1 or later. New Features: – Band Activity Display (titlebar), the color and…

Contest da urlo… CQBB2018
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Contest da urlo… CQBB2018

Ogni anno siamo partecipi di questo Contest organizzato dai colleghi e amici del Mediterraneo DX Club. Li ringraziamo perchè quest’anno hanno proprio richiesto la nostra…

Descript: un embedded scripting language
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Descript: un embedded scripting language

Descript è un tool tutto italiano per il controllo e la manutenzione di schede embedded. E’ un ottimo strumento per scrivere routine di test e…

Ethernet facile con le VIRTEX-5
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Ethernet facile con le VIRTEX-5

Con la serie Virtex-5, Xilinx continua a percorrere la strada dei multi-platform FPGA integrando core hard IP in dispositivi logici riprogrammabili di nuova generazione. I…

Il convertitore ADC10 dei micro MSP430
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Il convertitore ADC10 dei micro MSP430

I mixed signal controller MSP430 della Texas Instruments si basano su un’architettura RISC a 16 bit. Sono dispositivi a bassissimo consumo adatti per apparecchiature portatili…

Moltiplicare le linee I/O dei micro con i Port Expander
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Moltiplicare le linee I/O dei micro con i Port Expander

Quando si affronta la progettazione di un sistema embedded, uno dei limiti è quello di non riuscire a prevedere in maniera precisa il numero di pin del…

T88XS Koror Island Palau. From
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T88XS Koror Island Palau. From

Mitsuhiko, JL3WXS will be active from Koror Island, IOTA OC – 009, 1 – 5 February 2018, as T88XS., T88XS Koror Island Palau. From,…

T88PB Koror Island Palau. From
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T88PB Koror Island Palau. From

Nobuaki, JA0JHQ will be active from Koror Island, IOTA OC-009, Palau, 27 – 31 January 2018 as T88PB., T88PB Koror Island Palau. From, ,

Day 1 with the ICOM IC-7610
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Day 1 with the ICOM IC-7610

Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ and Steve Gross, W7SCG give us a first look of the IC-7610 on the first day of its North American debut. Antenna…

La fusione fredda
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La fusione fredda

Si tratta di uno dei più discussi argomenti scientifici del secolo. Quello di riuscire a produrre reazioni nucleari a temperature molto al di sotto di…

5R8XB Madagascar Island. From
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5R8XB Madagascar Island. From

ON8XB is currently active as 5R8XB, from Madagascar Island, IOTA AF – 013., 5R8XB Madagascar Island. From, ,

Getting Started with Chameleon F-LOOP 2.0 Magloop Antenna
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Getting Started with Chameleon F-LOOP 2.0 Magloop Antenna

The CHA F-LOOP 2.0 was designed with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness and high performance in mind. Unlike any other similar antennas on the…

Introducing the RSP1A SDR from SDRPlay
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Introducing the RSP1A SDR from SDRPlay

“The folks at SDRPlay were nice enough to send me their new RSP1A SDR. Some very significant upgrades come with this new model. Any of…

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Vi presentiamo ESPertino STARTER KIT, l’ultima novità di casa EOS per makers e appassionati di IoT. L’internet delle cose è ormai una realtà affermata. L’obiettivo…

First Ducie Island DXpedition in a Decade Set for Late 2018
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First Ducie Island DXpedition in a Decade Set for Late 2018

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo First Ducie Island DXpedition in a Decade Set for Late 2018 su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio…

Reputed World’s Oldest Ham Jean Touzot, F8IL, SK
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Reputed World’s Oldest Ham Jean Touzot, F8IL, SK

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Reputed World’s Oldest Ham Jean Touzot, F8IL, SK su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio |…

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2092 for Friday, December 1 , 2017
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2092 for Friday, December 1 , 2017


4Y1A International Civil Aviation ICAO. From
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4Y1A International Civil Aviation ICAO. From

Andy, RW3AH informs, that members of United Nations Amateur Radio DX Contest Club 4U1A will be active as 4Y1A, for International Civil Aviation Day.,…

VP6D Ducie Island DX Pedition. From
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VP6D Ducie Island DX Pedition. From

Radio Amateurs memebers of the PDXG DX Group will be active from Ducie Island, IOTA OC – 182, as VP6D, October – November 2018., VP6D…

Firmware 141 Speciale AEROSPACE & DEFENSE
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Firmware 141 Speciale AEROSPACE & DEFENSE

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Dicembre! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore dell’AEROSPACE & DEFENSE, approfondiremo insieme l’elettronica di…

EOS-BOOK #3B Mini registratore allo stato solido con ESPertino
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EOS-BOOK #3B Mini registratore allo stato solido con ESPertino

È uscito l’EOS-Book di Dicembre! La copertina di questo mese è dedicata alla scheda ESPertino, di cui vedremo numerose possibilità di applicazione, incluso l’utilizzo dell’ESPertino STARTER…

6W7/F6HMJ Senegal. From
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6W7/F6HMJ Senegal. From

Jacques, F6HMJ will be active from Senegal, 21 December 2017 – 15 January 2018 as 6W7/F6HMJ., 6W7/F6HMJ Senegal. From, ,

Review of QRP Labs QCX QRP Radio
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Review of QRP Labs QCX QRP Radio

“Unboxing, building and using the QRP Labs QCX single-band, 5-watt QRP radio. This advanced technology radio borrows ideas from software-defined radios. The final amplifier is…

Coaxial Cable vs Balanced Lines –  “ARRL The Doctor is In“ [PODCAST]
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Coaxial Cable vs Balanced Lines – “ARRL The Doctor is In“ [PODCAST]

“Coaxial Cable vs Balanced Lines” is the topic of the current (November 23) episode of the “ARRL The Doctor is In“ podcast. Listen…and learn! More…