Mese: Gennaio 2018

Generazione di numeri casuali con AVR
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Generazione di numeri casuali con AVR

Sono così importanti  i numeri casuali? che differenze ci sono tra i numeri casuali e pseudocasuali? In questo articolo vedremo come generare numeri veramente casuali. I generatori di numeri casuali sono…

Progettare per bassi consumi: quanto sono sufficientemente bassi?
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Progettare per bassi consumi: quanto sono sufficientemente bassi?

I moderni dispositivi palmari – sia quelli orientati al mercato consumer che quelli industriali – possono includere un telefono cellulare che può anche essere utilizzato…

NASA TV to Air Live Coverage of Rare Lunar Eclipse
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NASA TV to Air Live Coverage of Rare Lunar Eclipse

Sky gazers are in for a rare treat Wednesday, January 31, when three celestial events combine to create a super blue blood moon. NASA Television…

H72DX Nicaragua. From
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H72DX Nicaragua. From

Jim WB2REM and Mark WY1G will be active as H72DX, from Nicaragua, 26 February – 6 March 2018., H72DX Nicaragua. From, ,

Dedicato a Renato Guttuso
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Dedicato a Renato Guttuso

La Sicilia può esser considerata meritatamente una patria della cultura e della civiltà visto che l’isola ha dato i natali a scultori, poeti, filosofi, santi…

AmsatDroidFree now open source
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AmsatDroidFree now open source

AmsatDroidFree satellite tracking App for Android devices is now open source. This App predicts future passes for amateur radio satellites for a specified location and period…

L’importanza dei regolatori lineari e switching – Intervista a Tony Armstrong e Brian Black, Managers @ Analog Devices
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L’importanza dei regolatori lineari e switching – Intervista a Tony Armstrong e Brian Black, Managers @ Analog Devices

I progettisti sono ben consapevoli dell’efficienza dei convertitori cc/cc in molte applicazioni che coinvolgono per esempio i sistemi di energy harvesting. Le richieste di basso…

Canadian Radio Amateur Finds Resurrected NASA Satellite
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Canadian Radio Amateur Finds Resurrected NASA Satellite

When he’s not on ham radio, Scott Tilley, VA7TIL, an amateur astronomer, hunts spy satellites. Using an S-band radio from his home in Roberts Creek,…

Anticipated New Building Won’t Be Ready for Hamvention 2018, but Flea Market Could Expand
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Anticipated New Building Won’t Be Ready for Hamvention 2018, but Flea Market Could Expand

Due to circumstances beyond their control, Hamvention® 2018 organizers reluctantly are walking back an earlier announcement that a new building would be available for this…

ARRL to Offer Expanded Orlando HamCation® Presence February 9-11
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ARRL to Offer Expanded Orlando HamCation® Presence February 9-11

ARRL will be represented in force and with an expanded presence at Orlando HamCation February 9-11 in Orlando. The event, which also is the 2018…

3Y0Z Bouvet Island Team Has Some 600 Nautical Miles to Go
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island Team Has Some 600 Nautical Miles to Go

The 3Y0Z DXpedition, now on board the Betanzos en route to Bouvet Island, the third most-wanted DXCC entity (now behind Kosovo and North Korea), is…

Video R7AB Amateur Ham Radio Contest Station. From
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Video R7AB Amateur Ham Radio Contest Station. From

Video R7AB Contest station. CQ WW 160m Contest 26 – 28 January 2018., Video R7AB Amateur Ham Radio Contest Station. From, ,

Applicazioni USB con MB90330A Fujitsu
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Applicazioni USB con MB90330A Fujitsu

La MB2031-01 è una scheda di valutazione multifunzionale che, in parallelo con la scheda-figlia MB2031-20, permette il testing e lo sviluppo di applicazioni basate sui microcontrollori Fujitsu della serie MB90330A,…

Pilotare motori Brushless con i microcontrollori RENESAS
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Pilotare motori Brushless con i microcontrollori RENESAS

Lo sviluppo di periferiche sempre più specifiche e complete a bordo dei microcontrollori  ha permesso l’integrazione sempre più spinta dei circuiti di controllo e la…

MFJ-1708SDR review – Share your antenna between your transceiver and an SDR
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MFJ-1708SDR review – Share your antenna between your transceiver and an SDR

“With all the low-cost performance SDR available these days, we can have a lot of fun experimenting with it. But we need antenna, with the…

Radio ham finds signal from ‘dead’ NASA satellite
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Radio ham finds signal from ‘dead’ NASA satellite

Radio ham finds signal from ‘dead’ NASA satelliteScott Tilley VE7TIL / VA7LF discovered a signal from the IMAGE satellite that NASA lost contact with in…

ARRL Hudson Division Director Promotes Amateur Radio Parity Act Before Senate Committee
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ARRL Hudson Division Director Promotes Amateur Radio Parity Act Before Senate Committee

ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco, N2YBB, testified Thursday (January 25) before a session of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation regarding Amateur…

D44EE Praia Santiago Island Cabo Verde. From
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D44EE Praia Santiago Island Cabo Verde. From

Henning, OZ1BII will be active as D44EE from Praia, Santiago Island, IOTA AF-005, Cabo Verde in ARRL DX CW Contest, 17 – 18 February 2018.,…

ARISS Space Station APRS Packet System Currently Off Line
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ARISS Space Station APRS Packet System Currently Off Line

The ARISS APRS packet system is not working at present. This is due to an as-yet unidentified anomaly involving the radio serving the system on board the…

AO-92 Commissioned, Open for Amateur Use
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AO-92 Commissioned, Open for Amateur Use

by Paul Stoetzer On the 03:25 UTC pass on January 26, 2018, AMSAT Vice President – Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY, announced that AO-92 had been commissioned…

Tenere sotto controllo il consumo di energia con Energy Logger 4000
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Tenere sotto controllo il consumo di energia con Energy Logger 4000

Energy-Logger 4000 fornisce la possibilità di misurare il consumo energetico di vari utilizzatori, immagazzinando i dati nella propria memoria interna per poi inviarli ad un PC…

I nodi sensori wireless per l’IoT possono essere alimentati tramite gradienti di temperatura senza bisogno di batterie
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I nodi sensori wireless per l’IoT possono essere alimentati tramite gradienti di temperatura senza bisogno di batterie

La proliferazione di nodi sensori wireless (WSN, wireless sensor nodes) per attività di misurazione e controllo nell’IoT, unitamente ai progressi della tecnologia dei trasduttori, ha…

China Students’ “Zhou Enlai” CubeSat Launches with Ham Radio Payload On Board
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China Students’ “Zhou Enlai” CubeSat Launches with Ham Radio Payload On Board

Launched on January 19, China’s “Zhou Enlai” CubeSat is that country’s first to involve primary and middle school students. Named in honor of the first…

MRFX1K80H: 1800 W CW over 1.8-400 MHz, 65 V Wideband RF Power LDMOS Transistor
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MRFX1K80H: 1800 W CW over 1.8-400 MHz, 65 V Wideband RF Power LDMOS Transistor

The MRFX1K80H is the first device based on NXP’s new 65 V LDMOS technology that focuses on ease of use. This high ruggedness transistor is…

Review of Alpha Loop and Buddipole Buddistick
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Review of Alpha Loop and Buddipole Buddistick

“Hey Oggies, Oggie Rodney Johnson, KAØUSE, loaned me his Alpha Loop antenna and his Buddipole Buddistick. Both antennas are pretty good out away from buildings…