Giorno: 19 Gennaio 2018

L’importanza della visione artificiale nelle applicazioni IoT
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L’importanza della visione artificiale nelle applicazioni IoT

L’utilizzo dei sistemi di visione artificiale in ambito IoT consente di creare un’infrastruttura di rete con funzionalità molto avanzate. La possibilità di identificare e riconoscere…

Connettività e sicurezza nell’IoT
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Connettività e sicurezza nell’IoT

La connettività IoT è possibile oggi attraverso l’utilizzo delle principali tecnologie presenti sul mercato, ovvero ZigBee, Wi-Fi e Bluetooth. A lunghe distanze, reti cellulari e reti a…

5T5OK Mauritania 2017. From
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5T5OK Mauritania 2017. From

The idea about the expedition to Mauritania started shortly after we returned from Comoros islands., 5T5OK Mauritania 2017. From, ,

VP2EGO Anguilla Island. From
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VP2EGO Anguilla Island. From

Jim, WB2REM will be active as VP2EGO from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA – 022, 17 – 24 March 2018., VP2EGO Anguilla Island. From, ,

H7DX Nicaragua. From
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H7DX Nicaragua. From

Jim WB2REM and Mark WY1G will be active as H7DX, from Nicaragua, 26 February – 6 March 2018., H7DX Nicaragua. From, ,

AX Prefix will be on the Air for Australia Day
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AX Prefix will be on the Air for Australia Day

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) automatically allows all radio amateurs to substitute their normal VK callsign prefix with the letters AX, every Australia…

Permanent WSPR beacon in Antarctica Now on the Air
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Permanent WSPR beacon in Antarctica Now on the Air

The DP0GVN WSPR now is in operation from the German Neumayer III Research Station of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. The installation is…