Giorno: 25 Gennaio 2018

Pad2Pad: un piccolo gioiello per disegnare i nostri circuiti stampati
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Pad2Pad: un piccolo gioiello per disegnare i nostri circuiti stampati

Di programmi per creare PCB, in rete, ne esistono centinaia. Sia freeware che a pagamento, essi forniscono il loro aiuto ai progettisti di elettronica, al…

IOTA: la criptovaluta per l’IoT
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IOTA: la criptovaluta per l’IoT

Nei tradizionali modelli blockchain, le transazioni vengono raggruppate in ciascun blocco dopo essere state verificate dai minatori. Quindi, con l’aumentare del numero di transazioni, aumenta anche il…

V26PE Antigua Island. From
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V26PE Antigua Island. From

Paul, VA3ZC will be active as V26PE, from Antigua Island, IOTA NA – 100, 13 – 27 February 2018., V26PE Antigua Island. From, ,

FK/JG1XMV New Caledonia. From
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FK/JG1XMV New Caledonia. From

Arnaud, JG1XMV will be active as FK/JG1XMV, from Grand Terre Island, IOTA OC – 032, Lifou, Mare and two other islands, IOTA OC – 033,…

J6/KG9N Saint Lucia Island. From
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J6/KG9N Saint Lucia Island. From

Charles, KG9N will be active as J6/KG9N, from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA – 108, 13 – 27 February 2018., J6/KG9N Saint Lucia Island. From…

Indoor Attic Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio & CQ Antennas Center Insulators
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Indoor Attic Dipole Antenna for Ham Radio & CQ Antennas Center Insulators

“Viewer request to try out an antenna for Ham Radio in the attic. Using the CQ Antennas Center Insulators from KE5FEN. Thanks David for the…

Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island Amateurs are International Humanitarian Award Winners
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Puerto Rico, US Virgin Island Amateurs are International Humanitarian Award Winners

The ARRL Board of Directors has conferred the 2018 International Humanitarian Award jointly on the Amateur Radio population of Puerto Rico — served by ARRL Section Manager…