Mese: Gennaio 2018

La durata della batteria nelle applicazioni Wearable
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La durata della batteria nelle applicazioni Wearable

Ogni nuova generazione di smartphone, fitness band e smartwatch offre una gamma sempre crescente di funzionalità. Apple Watch Series 3 , ad esempio, include un…

NCVEC Releases New Technician License Question Pool into the Public Domain
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NCVEC Releases New Technician License Question Pool into the Public Domain

The National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC) has announced the release of the 2018-2022 Amateur Radio Element 2 Technician class license question pool into the public…

4U0R – The World Radio Day
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4U0R – The World Radio Day

The WORLD RADIO DAY (13 February 2018) From 13 to 20 February 2018 Special event station 4U0R will be active on HF by CW /…

FEMA Region 10 Communication Exercises Will Make Use of 60 Meters
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FEMA Region 10 Communication Exercises Will Make Use of 60 Meters

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) will conduct a Communications Exercise (COMMEX) on January 17 and on the third…

Keep Track of the 3Y0Z DXpedition Team En Route to Bouvet Island
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Keep Track of the 3Y0Z DXpedition Team En Route to Bouvet Island

The Bouvet Island 3Y0Z DXpedition team has issued an invitation to follow the team while it’s on its way to the “most remote place on Earth.”…

Amplificatore in classe D ad alte prestazioni: il progetto
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Amplificatore in classe D ad alte prestazioni: il progetto

In questo articolo presentiamo un progetto rivolto a tutti gli appassionati audiofili, e non solo. Ci occuperemo infatti di un amplificatore di potenza in classe…

ZS8Z on Marion Island Off the Air, Science Team in Survival Mode
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ZS8Z on Marion Island Off the Air, Science Team in Survival Mode

David Hartzenberg, ZS1BCE, on his second tour at a Marion Island research station as part of the South African National Antarctic Program for more than…

TO3Z FG/F6GWV FG/F6HMQ Guadeloupe Island. From
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TO3Z FG/F6GWV FG/F6HMQ Guadeloupe Island. From

Gildas, F6HMQ and Michel, F6GWV will be active from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA – 102, 23 February – 12 March 2018 as FG/F6HMQ and FG/F6GWV., TO3Z…

5X2S Entebbe Uganda. From
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5X2S Entebbe Uganda. From

Sadao, JA1PBV is currently active as 5X2S, from Entebbe, Uganda., 5X2S Entebbe Uganda. From, ,

V31GX Ambergris Caye Belize. From
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V31GX Ambergris Caye Belize. From

Iain, G4SGX will be active from Ambergris Caye, IOTA NA – 073, Belize, 6 – 16 March 2018, as V31GX., V31GX Ambergris Caye Belize. From…

PJ4A Bonaire Island. From
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PJ4A Bonaire Island. From

Scott, NE9U informs, that NE9U, KK9K, K4BAI, K2NG will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, in ARRL DX CW Contest 17…

Fox-1D Satellite Set to Launch this Week, China to Launch Five New CubeSats
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Fox-1D Satellite Set to Launch this Week, China to Launch Five New CubeSats

The launch from India of AMSAT-NA’s Fox-1D CubeSat will take place on January 12 (UTC). The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) flight had to be rescheduled from December…

PPG100 Portable Power Generator
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PPG100 Portable Power Generator

Midland Radio has been a show participant at the Consumer Electronics Show for several decades. Long an industry leader in two-way radio technology in CB…

JTDX – Videos and Guides – FT8- JT65 – JT9 – T10 – WSPR
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JTDX – Videos and Guides – FT8- JT65 – JT9 – T10 – WSPR

  JT DX JT65 – JT9 – T10 – FT8 – WSPR Guides JTDX_User_Manual_EN_2018_01_08.pdf – (English language by VK7YUM with additions by UA3DJY and DK7UY) JTDX_Manual_del_Usuario_ES_2018_01_08.pdf – (Spanish translation by LU9DO) German and Russian translations are under…

Log Periodic Dipole Array 13 element 10MHz – 54MHz High Performance LPD
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Log Periodic Dipole Array 13 element 10MHz – 54MHz High Performance LPD

A Super Wide Band, High Performance Log Periodic Dipole Array – 10MHz to 54MHz inclusive All InnovAntennas LPDA’s are design using the very latest computer…

Thomas Fire Response Also Demonstrates Amateur Radio’s Social Media Value
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Thomas Fire Response Also Demonstrates Amateur Radio’s Social Media Value

The remains of equipment used to help maintain communications and track the event after the fire overcame the position. (Photo: BENJAMIN KUO/CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Santa Barbara Amateur…

Blockchain e il futuro dei pagamenti
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Blockchain e il futuro dei pagamenti

Il futuro dei pagamenti elettronici sta incidendo su tre fronti principali: sicurezza, personalizzazione e comodità. Una tecnologia che potrebbe coinvolgere nel miglior dei modi questi…

Oscillatore a 32.768 kHz da IQD
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Oscillatore a 32.768 kHz da IQD

IQD ha lanciato l’IQXO-610 0, un oscillatore di clock a 32.768kHz con assorbimento di corrente ultra-basso di 1μA tip. senza carico a 3,3 V e…

L’Assembler per PowerPC
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L’Assembler per PowerPC

Oggi la programmazione in assembler non ha più quel fascino di una volta. Il linguaggio più diffuso è senza dubbio ormai il C. Utilizzare un linguaggio d’alto livello come…

C8X C81G Ibo Island. From
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C8X C81G Ibo Island. From

Gerben, PG5M informs, that Johannes PA5X/C93PA and Gerben PG5M will be active as C8X and C81G from Ibo Island, IOTA AF – 061, Cabo…

RadioRivista digitale, eccola!
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RadioRivista digitale, eccola!

Cari Soci, come promesso anche per questo mese RadioRivista si presenta a Voi con una marcia in più: la versione digitale da sfogliare on-line nell’area…

V31JZ/P South Water Caye. From
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V31JZ/P South Water Caye. From

Art, NN7A, inform, that he will operate as V31JZ/P from South Water Caye Island, IOTA NA-180, Belize, 8 – 14 February 2018., V31JZ/P South…

Sistemi di alimentazione per FPGA
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Sistemi di alimentazione per FPGA

I sistemi  basati  su fpga beneficiano delle soluzioni complete cc/cc in un formato da circuito integrato.I miglioramenti nelle geometrie dei processi delle FPGA e configurazioni di progetto più flessibili, oltre all’evoluzione dei…

Un Wizard per l’installazione del software
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Un Wizard per l’installazione del software

Dopo aver concluso la stesura di un programma e terminata la fase di debug quello che otteniamo non risulta essere direttamente commerciabile. Infatti, il frutto…

6Y2T Jamaica. From
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6Y2T Jamaica. From

Yuri, VE3DZ will be again active again from Jamaica, IOTA NA – 097, 13 – 20 February 2018, as 6Y2T., 6Y2T Jamaica. From, ,