Giorno: 4 Febbraio 2018

Riduzione del rumore in applicazioni PWM
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Riduzione del rumore in applicazioni PWM

Le applicazioni di controllo motore, di conversione e trasformazione dell’energia, di audio e video encoding e decoding, sfruttano oggi sempre più le periferiche di pulse width…

3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition Aborted over Safety Concerns
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition Aborted over Safety Concerns

In a huge disappointment for the DX community and the members of the 3Y0Z Bouvet Island team, the DXpedition’s leaders announced at 2000 UTC today…

3Y0Z – ABORTED –  Bouvet Island DXpedition
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3Y0Z – ABORTED – Bouvet Island DXpedition

2000 UTC 3 February 2018 During the last 72 hours we continued to experience the high winds, low clouds, fog, and rough seas that have…

Eric from Universal Radio discusses the Icom IC-R8600 Receiver
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Eric from Universal Radio discusses the Icom IC-R8600 Receiver

Eric, KC8XJ of Universal Radio discusses some fine points of the Icom IC-R8600 receiver. The IC-R8600 is a very wide band feature packed self contained…

POLAR CROWN CORONAL HOLE: A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere has formed around the sun’s north pole
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POLAR CROWN CORONAL HOLE: A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere has formed around the sun’s north pole

POLAR CROWN CORONAL HOLE: A large hole in the sun’s atmosphere has formed around the sun’s north pole. This is called a “polar crown coronal…