Giorno: 6 Febbraio 2018

Sistema di Accesso con QRcode per Raspberry Pi
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Sistema di Accesso con QRcode per Raspberry Pi

Le capacità di elaborazione dati e le librerie a disposizione per Raspberry Pi sono molto ampie e permettono di prototipare un’ampia gamma di progetti. In…

I sistemi ADAS riducono gli incidenti stradali
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I sistemi ADAS riducono gli incidenti stradali

I sistemi di assistenza alla guida (ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance System) forniscono un livello di protezione automatico, migliorando l’esperienza del conducente e offrendo al contempo…

9XSDA Rwanda. From
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9XSDA Rwanda. From

Christian, M0UPL, informs, that he will be active as 9XSDA from Rwanda, 11 – 18 February 2018., 9XSDA Rwanda. From, ,

3D2GE Viti Levu Island. From
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3D2GE Viti Levu Island. From

Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active as 3D2GE, from Viti Levu Island, IOTA OC – 016, Fiji, until 9 February 2018., 3D2GE Viti Levu Island. From…

New Antennas Will Take CubeSats to Mars and Beyond
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New Antennas Will Take CubeSats to Mars and Beyond

By packing big antennas into tiny satellites, JPL engineers are making space science cheap By Nacer E. Chahat One morning in November 2014, Kamal Oudrhiri, a…

Jim Heath W6LG Shares a Video of One of the Largest Ham Radio Antennas
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Jim Heath W6LG Shares a Video of One of the Largest Ham Radio Antennas

Sam, R7AB has one of the largest antenna systems for HF in the world. Here is a video fly-by showing just part of that site….

SDRPlay RSP-1A   VS   Airspy HF+
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SDRPlay RSP-1A VS Airspy HF+

“Comparing reception of two popular SDR Receivers using the same antenna at 5 PM local time. Short wave and medium wave frequencies. Using the same…