Giorno: 16 Febbraio 2018

La telemetria nelle auto da corsa
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La telemetria nelle auto da corsa

Le corse automobilistiche sono cambiate radicalmente negli ultimi anni. Grazie alla telemetria, gli ingegneri di gara possono monitorare e migliorare le prestazioni della vettura analizzando dati di oltre…

ARRL Receives Byrd Antarctic Expedition Morse Key, Historical Materials
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ARRL Receives Byrd Antarctic Expedition Morse Key, Historical Materials

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo ARRL Receives Byrd Antarctic Expedition Morse Key, Historical Materials su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio…

KE4PT and W4RQ Win the February QST Cover Plaque Award
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KE4PT and W4RQ Win the February QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the February 2018 QST Cover Plaque award is “Live Trees Affect Antenna Performance” by Kai Siwiak, KE4PT, and Richard Quick, W4RQ….

IARU Secretary Presents ARRL Antenna Book CD During Visit to Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba
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IARU Secretary Presents ARRL Antenna Book CD During Visit to Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo IARU Secretary Presents ARRL Antenna Book CD During Visit to Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba su Etere Blog…

W1AW/7 to be on the Air from ARRL Southwestern Division Convention
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W1AW/7 to be on the Air from ARRL Southwestern Division Convention

W1AW/7 will be on the air from the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention (Yuma Hamfest) in Yuma, Arizona (DM22), beginning at 1600 UTC on February 16…

ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed on Presidents’ Day
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ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed on Presidents’ Day

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo ARRL Headquarters Will Be Closed on Presidents’ Day su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio |…

ARRL Announces 2018 Teachers Institutes on Wireless Technology Sessions
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ARRL Announces 2018 Teachers Institutes on Wireless Technology Sessions

As part of its educational outreach through the Education & Technology Program (ETP), ARRL will offer three sessions of the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology this July….

Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition Plans Coming Together for this Fall
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Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition Plans Coming Together for this Fall

The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) reports that its plans to activate the protected marine area of Ducie Island from October 20 to November 3, 2018…