Giorno: 1 Marzo 2018

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EOS-BOOK #3D Corso di elettronica per ragazzi

È uscito EOS-Book di Marzo! La copertina di questo mese è dedicata alla prima puntata del nostro Corso di elettronica per ragazzi, che si svolgerà…

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Le soluzioni lighting dell’Automotive

L’elettronica a bordo di un veicolo controlla molte funzioni: alcune riguardano i sistemi dei tergicristalli, altre l’impianto di climatizzazione. I sistemi di power management coprono non…

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ARRL Requests Expanded HF Privileges for Technician Licensees

ARRL has asked the FCC to expand HF privileges for Technician licensees to include limited phone privileges on 75, 40, and 15 meters, plus RTTY…

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NTIA Targets Portion of 3.4 GHz Band for Potential Wireless Broadband Use

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has identified 3450 to 3550 MHz for potential wireless broadband use. Amateur Radio has a secondary allocation of…

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Latest Z60A Operation from Kosovo to Include ARRL International DX Contest SSB

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Latest Z60A Operation from Kosovo to Include ARRL International DX Contest SSB su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur…

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Two Ham Astronauts Return Safely to Earth

Two ham astronauts were among three members of the International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 54 crew that returned to Earth on February 27 after about…

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Saint Brandon Island 3B7A DXpedition Will Field Five Operating Positions

Plans appear to be on track for the upcoming 3B7A DXpedition to Saint Brandon Island, expected to kick off in early to mid-April. The DXpedition…

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Il Riso di Vercelli è Diploma

La Sezione A.R.I. di Vercelli organizza la 1°Edizione del diploma «VERCELLI CITTÀ DEL RISO – ONDE CORTE» con lo scopo di far conoscere la città…

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ARRL Requests Expanded HF Privileges for Technician Licenses

ARRL has asked the FCC to expand HF privileges for Technician licensees to include limited phone privileges on 75, 40, and 15 meters, plus RTTY…

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RadioCom 6 – The premium hamradio software suite

RTTY-, CW-, PSK 31-, SSTV- WFax-, SatFax-, Time signal, SDR Integration, plus SubDecoder as well as TX Encoder DualChannel Version (2 Radios simultaneous) DualRadioControl (for…

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HamRacer – The hands-on software for passionate CW and SSB contesters

The hands-on software for passionate CW and SSB contesters. It contains the world-unique synthesized voice keyer. No need to record anything to your voice keyer! Any questions? Join…

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D Star & DMR for beginners- Radios, Hotspots and more

“I originally did this video as part of a monthly presentation for my local ham radio club. Its got some specific references to the Auburn…