Giorno: 10 Marzo 2018

Video – CRT Xenon CB Radio
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Video – CRT Xenon CB Radio

Video:YouTube/CRT France So here it is, the very first video showing the new CRT Xenon CB Radio. 

Polish Rebel DX Group Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs. From
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Polish Rebel DX Group Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs. From

Members of the Polish Rebel DX Group launch an extended transoceanic project called “Travel Cheap to Top DXCCs” in early May 2018., Polish Rebel DX…

3C0W Annobon Island. From
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3C0W Annobon Island. From

3C0W Amateur Radio Team will be active as 3C0W, from Annobon Island, IOTA AF – 039, until 27 March 2018., 3C0W Annobon Island. From,…

6W/IV3FSG Senegal. From
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6W/IV3FSG Senegal. From

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active as 6W/IV3FSG, from Dakar, Senegal, starting 9 March 2018., 6W/IV3FSG Senegal. From, ,

AMSAT “GOLF” CubeSats among NASA Ninth-Round CubeSat Launch Initiative Picks
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AMSAT “GOLF” CubeSats among NASA Ninth-Round CubeSat Launch Initiative Picks

AMSAT reports that two of its “GOLF” (Greater Orbit, Larger Footprint) series CubeSats are among 21 missions recommended for NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI). GOLF-TEE…

All-band HF direct conversion transceiver QRPver DC-3001 Minion Mini
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All-band HF direct conversion transceiver QRPver DC-3001 Minion Mini

Transceiver direct conversion, short-wave, all-band. QRPver Minion Mini DC-3001 This is a small-size multi-band short-wave QRP transceiver. The transceiver is built according to the transceiver…

The HF Voyager Project –  Pacific ham radio drone KH6JF/MM using FT8
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The HF Voyager Project – Pacific ham radio drone KH6JF/MM using FT8

Jupiter Research Foundation Amateur Radio Club (JRFARC) has integrated an HF transceiver with an autonomous ocean-going drone. Our mission is to deploy a ham radio station that roams…