Giorno: 21 Marzo 2018

Uniden SDS100
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Uniden SDS100

Uniden SDS100 The Uniden SDS100 is a digital TrunkTracker communications receiver that incorporates the HomePatrol database of all known radio systems in the USA and…

Supercondensatori: Energy Harvesting con nanotecnologie
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Supercondensatori: Energy Harvesting con nanotecnologie

La crescente diffusione dell’IoT e dei dispositivi Wearable ha portato a nuovi apparati alimentati a batteria con la necessità di sfruttare e migliorare le tecniche…

Venerdì 23 a Varese con la Valigia!
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Venerdì 23 a Varese con la Valigia!

“La radio in valigia” Gabriele Villa, I2VGW, presenta il suo libro ad ARI-Varese Il fascino intramontabile dell’attività di radioamatore farà da sfondo venerdì sera, 23…

Radio Amateurs Pitch In to Help as “Hat Trick” of Major Coastal Storms Hit Northeast
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Radio Amateurs Pitch In to Help as “Hat Trick” of Major Coastal Storms Hit Northeast

Amateur Radio volunteers with WX1BOX at the National Weather Service in Taunton, Massachusetts, and various ARES groups had their hands full during March, as Mother Nature’s hat…

Ham-Astronaut Part of New Space Station Crew Heading into Space on March 21
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Ham-Astronaut Part of New Space Station Crew Heading into Space on March 21

Two US astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut are ready for their journey to the International Space Station (ISS), which will begin on Wednesday, March 21….