Giorno: 22 Marzo 2018

FTM-7250DR FCC Certification
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FTM-7250DR FCC Certification

FTM-7250DR FCC Certification Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division FTM-7250DR A. Part 15.19 & 15.21 Compliance Statement Drawing: l. Changes or modifications to this…

Il kit di sviluppo per l’Energy Harvesting
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Il kit di sviluppo per l’Energy Harvesting

Il kit di sviluppo “Energy Harvesting Solution To Go” che andremo ad analizzare in questo articolo permette un facile accesso alle tecnologie di energy harvesting, aiutando…

Guida autonoma: meno incidenti, più sicurezza
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Guida autonoma: meno incidenti, più sicurezza

Apriamo la portiera della nostra automobile, sediamoci comodamente, un giro di chiave nel cruscotto e via… partiamo leggendo un libro e ascoltando musica. Come? Siamo…

North West Net 2nd Anniversary
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North West Net 2nd Anniversary

News that the UK’s North West Net celebrates its 2nd anniversary on Wednesday 28th March. So if you fancy taking part in the celebrations listen…

President Bill First Look Photos
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President Bill First Look Photos

Seen on the President Electronics USA Facebook page are these new photos of the President Bill mini CB Radio: – 40 channels AM / FM –…

T31T Kanton Island Announcement. From
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T31T Kanton Island Announcement. From

Following our DXpedition to Kanton Island (Central Kiribati) in 2016, we decided to come back to this extraordinary place this year – with a new…

TO5GI Guadeloupe. From
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TO5GI Guadeloupe. From

Pascal, F6ASS will be active as TO5GI, from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA – 102, 23 March – 6 April 2018., TO5GI Guadeloupe. From, ,

H44XG Solomon Islands. From
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H44XG Solomon Islands. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as H44XG, Guadalcanal Island, IOTA OC – 047, Solomon Islands, June – July 2018., H44XG Solomon Islands. From, ,