Giorno: 12 Aprile 2018

La stampa 3D conquista il design
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La stampa 3D conquista il design

La designer israeliana Danit Peleg ha creato la sua prima collezione di moda con stampa 3D realizzando cinque modelli di abiti a cui ha abbinato…

5 progetti IoT fai-da-te
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5 progetti IoT fai-da-te

Ecco una serie di progetti da realizzare con ESPertino, la scheda IoT progettata e prodotta da Elettronica Open Source con WiFi e Bluetooth integrati, compatibile…

ARI-Caltanissetta in Fiera
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ARI-Caltanissetta in Fiera

La sezione ARI M.Averna di Caltanissetta col patrocinio del Comitato Regionale Sicilia organizza il prossimo 21 e 22 Aprile HAM RADIO FAIR 2018 nella consueta cornice della Fiera di Sicilia…

The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas
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The Mighty Rhombic, the King of Antennas

“There was a time, back in the 1930s and 1940s, when the rhombic antenna was the king. A remarkable antenna that had phenomenal directivity and…

Hams receive Slow Scan TV from Space
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Hams receive Slow Scan TV from Space

Radio amateurs around the world are receiving Slow Scan Television images on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station. The transmissions by ARISS Russia are in…

A New Spin on JT Alert HRD Logbook and WSJT X
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A New Spin on JT Alert HRD Logbook and WSJT X

WSJT-X for rig control. There’s no need for HRD rig control to be running. Just HRD Logbook, WSJT-X and JT Alert. Review Unboxing the MFJ-998…