Giorno: 24 Maggio 2018

Smartphone e app: più app, sempre meno download
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Smartphone e app: più app, sempre meno download

Oggi si parla di app. Il numero esistente di applicazioni presenti e scaricabili negli store mobile è davvero elevato: nel 2015 si registravano circa 1,5…

Amateur Radio Transponders on Planned Chinese Satellites to Include HF
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Amateur Radio Transponders on Planned Chinese Satellites to Include HF

China’s Amateur Radio Satellite organization, CAMSAT, has released some details of three new Amateur Radio satellites that could be launched as early as September. Two…

VisAir – HF DSP Transceiver Standalone DDC DUC
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VisAir – HF DSP Transceiver Standalone DDC DUC

Microprocessor-based data processing. A distinctive feature of the transceiver is the modern technology of processing data in DSP and output information to a large 7…

Post-Launch Signals Received as Amateur Radio Heads to Moon
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Post-Launch Signals Received as Amateur Radio Heads to Moon

China has launched two microsatellites into a lunar transfer orbit. They launched as secondary payloads with the Quequiao relay satellite on May 20, in conjunction with the…