Mese: Giugno 2018

USB Host con PIC32MX
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USB Host con PIC32MX

Con l’avvento di microcontrollori dotati di funzionalità Host, come i PIC32MX460 introdotti tempo fa, è ora possibile usare tutto un insieme di periferiche USB. USB (Universal Serial Bus) è ormai diventato lo…

3B8/OK2ZI Pointe aux Sables Mauritius. From
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3B8/OK2ZI Pointe aux Sables Mauritius. From

Karel, OK2ZI will be active as 3B8/OK2ZI from Pointe aux Sables, Mauritius Island, IOTA AF – 041, 26 July – 4 August 2018., 3B8/OK2ZI Pointe…

Receive SSTV from the ISS
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Receive SSTV from the ISS

This weekend ARISS Russia is running a special slow-scan television event from the International Space Station. Unfortunately we learned the details too late to include…

2 Days Off Grid – /P Ham Radio to Japan FT8 Random Wire Antenna
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2 Days Off Grid – /P Ham Radio to Japan FT8 Random Wire Antenna

“Hello Operators In the previous videos from this excursion, we covered portable off grid battery and solar power, the Raspberry Pi for data communication over…

The K7RA Solar Update – 06/29/2018
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The K7RA Solar Update – 06/29/2018

Conditions were good for Field Day weekend, with no major geomagnetic disruptions, while solar flux and sunspot numbers were relatively high for this part of…

2018 CQ WW Rules Updated
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2018 CQ WW Rules Updated

Effective with the 2018 contest, there have been some modifications to the CQ WW rules developed and approved by the contest committee. In summary: Busted…

Sygonix: il kit per la smart home
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Sygonix: il kit per la smart home

Il kit Sygonix offre le potenzialità per gestire in piena sicurezza una smart home. Contiene un gateway e vari sensori molto facili da installare che…

Le sfide di design nelle reti 5G
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Le sfide di design nelle reti 5G

La tecnologia di rete wireless 5G opera con capacità di connettività dati ad alta velocità. Considerando il livello di interferenza e la compatibilità elettromagnetica, si…

L’interferometro per la rivelazione delle onde gravitazionali
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L’interferometro per la rivelazione delle onde gravitazionali

Le onde gravitazionali distorcono lo spazio-tempo e producono forze in modo tale che la distanza tra le masse libere diminuisca e aumenti alternativamente durante il…

The Big Net – Tonight’s The Night!
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The Big Net – Tonight’s The Night!

Celebrating 4 years of LEGAL AM and SSB here in the UK, stations up and down the country will be taking the air so get…

SmartSDR v2.3.7 Now Available
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SmartSDR v2.3.7 Now Available

FlexRadio Systems announces the immediate availability of SmartSDR v2.3.7 for the FLEX-6000 Signature Series SDRs.  SmartSDR v2.3.7 is a General Availability (GA) release containing new…

Handheld Ailunce HD1 Retevis Dual Band DMR – Review
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Handheld Ailunce HD1 Retevis Dual Band DMR – Review

“Here is the Ailunce HD1, or what I call the Retevis HD1. It is a dual band, 10w/8w Handheld Analog and DMR, with GPS and…

KX-QRP 2nd Look – Elecraft KX2 or KX3
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KX-QRP 2nd Look – Elecraft KX2 or KX3

The KX-QRP 2nd LK is an accessory for use with the Elecraft KX2 or KX3 Radios. These radios have the ability to decode RTTY, PSK and…

KX9X Wins the June QST Cover Plaque Award
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KX9X Wins the June QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the June 2018 QST Cover Plaque award is “Get on the Satellites for ARRL Field Day” by Sean Kutzko, KX9X. The QST Cover Plaque Award…

GroundBreaker – Isolate your audio to remove RFI and ground loop problems!
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GroundBreaker – Isolate your audio to remove RFI and ground loop problems!

The bhi GroundBreaker audio unit isolates the grounds on your bhi DSP noise cancelling product or other ancillary equipment from those of the radio system, eliminating potential…

Software libero
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Software libero

  E’ innegabile che il software proprietario obbliga l’utente alle politiche delle grosse aziende (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, …) senza fornire garanzie su cosa il software…

Esperimenti con PSoC FirstTOUCH
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Esperimenti con PSoC FirstTOUCH

La semplicità di utilizzo e la praticità sono le armi vincenti del kit di sviluppo, PSoC FirstTouch, proposto tempo fa dalla Cypress Semiconductor. Analizziamo più da vicino questo prodotto attraverso degli esempi…

Onde millimetriche: la tecnologia a supporto del 5G
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Onde millimetriche: la tecnologia a supporto del 5G

La tecnologia per la comunicazione mobile di quinta generazione (5G) utilizzerà per la prima volta le bande di frequenza al di sopra dei 24 GHz,…

World CB Radio Allocations
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World CB Radio Allocations

I’ve had requests to publish my World CB Allocation list here on the blog which I previously featured on my “Delboy Enterprises” website, so here…

ISS Amateur Radio Transmissions Causing Interference?
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ISS Amateur Radio Transmissions Causing Interference?

It would appear that Amateur Radio transmissions from the ISS are causing interference on the 2m calling channel… I’ve been getting these transmissions for the…

Baofeng BF-T1 Long Range Test
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Baofeng BF-T1 Long Range Test

Video:YouTube/Mike 26CT1074 PMR446 is a fantastic band and some amazing contacts can be made with standard radios, in this case a Baofeng BF-T1 (which has…

13 Colonies Special Event to Mark 10th Anniversary this Year
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13 Colonies Special Event to Mark 10th Anniversary this Year

The annual Original 13 Colonies Special Event will mark its 10th anniversary this year. The event gets under way on July 1 at 1300 UTC and runs…

Atlantic Hurricane Season 2018 – QRG
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Atlantic Hurricane Season 2018 – QRG

The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from 1st June to 30th November this year. So it is time to remind the wider Amateur Radio community that…

La scoperta delle onde gravitazionali come dimostrazione della relatività generale
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La scoperta delle onde gravitazionali come dimostrazione della relatività generale

Le onde gravitazionali sono deformazioni dello spazio tempo che si propagano in maniera ondulatoria alla velocità della luce. La loro dimostrazione teorica è una conseguenza…

Il mercato dei semiconduttori RF
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Il mercato dei semiconduttori RF

Yole Développement ha rilasciato un rapporto completo sul mercato dei dispositivi di potenza RF. Entro la fine dell’anno 2017, il mercato totale dei semiconduttori di…