Giorno: 2 Giugno 2018

Lo standard AMBA-LITE – La matrice di connessione
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Lo standard AMBA-LITE – La matrice di connessione

L’ultimo tassello che manca per poter costruire il nostro sistema è la descrizione della matrice di connessione che decodifica l’indirizzo della transazione per selezionare il corretto dispositivo slave e indirizza verso il master…

Firmware 146 – Speciale Medical
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Firmware 146 – Speciale Medical

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Giugno! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Medical di cui ne approfondiremo vari aspetti,…

Video C8T Mozambique. From
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Video C8T Mozambique. From

Video C8T DX Pedition Mozambique 2018., Video C8T Mozambique. From, ,

HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From
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HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From

4Z5LA is currently active from Liechtenstein as HB0/4Z5LA, HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From, ,

Jim, W6LG, Shows an Electrical Plug After It Failed
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Jim, W6LG, Shows an Electrical Plug After It Failed

Jim shows what happened to an electrical plug after it developed a loose screw. VHF Tytera (TYT) MD-380 UHF 400-480MHZ Digital Radio (DMR) June 05,…

WX4NHC Station Test “Very Successful”
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WX4NHC Station Test “Very Successful”

The annual on-the-air station test of WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami on Saturday, May 26, was “very successful,” Assistant…

ARISS to Conduct Digital Amateur Radio TV Transmitter Test on June 1
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ARISS to Conduct Digital Amateur Radio TV Transmitter Test on June 1

ARISS will conduct a test of the “Ham Video” digital Amateur Radio television transmitter on the Columbus of the International Space Station on Friday, June 1. The…

Ambitious Arizona STEM Planetary Rover Project is a Winner
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Ambitious Arizona STEM Planetary Rover Project is a Winner

An Amateur Radio-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) initiative at an Arizona elementary school culminated on May 22, as youngsters competitively deployed their own…