Giorno: 15 Giugno 2018

Ip statico Raspberry Pi
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Ip statico Raspberry Pi

Le varie versioni di Raspbian per Pi (i cui nomi sono ispirati ai cartoni di Toy Story) hanno differenze più o meno marcate. La versione…

L’Atmega 128
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L’Atmega 128

L’architettura AVR è del tipo RISC e dispone di un ricco ed efficiente set di istruzioni con 32 registri general purpose: questi sono connessi direttamente all’ALU in modo da…

CPU Design:  La potenza è niente senza controllo
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CPU Design: La potenza è niente senza controllo

I set di istruzioni vengono odiati, temuti o riveriti perché fanno pensare alla programmazione assembly, ossia un tipo di programmazione altamente stressante, soprattutto se sai…

Blast From The Past – Stan And Simon 26/05/2008
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Blast From The Past – Stan And Simon 26/05/2008

Found on an old hard drive, here we have Stan, 26AC08, and Simon The Wizard chatting on The Northumberland Net channel (38UKFM) way back in…

Space Station Digital Amateur Radio TV System Transmitter Determined to be Defective
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Space Station Digital Amateur Radio TV System Transmitter Determined to be Defective

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) “Ham Video” digital Amateur Radio TV (DATV) transmitter on the International Space Station (ISS) is reported…

A Pause in Storming : Solar Storm Forecast 06-14-2018
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A Pause in Storming : Solar Storm Forecast 06-14-2018

“Space Weather quiets down this week as the hoped for mini-solarstorm misses Earth to the south. Aurora photographers will need to wait a while longer…

Sweden’s SAQ Announces Annual Alexanderson Day VLF Transmission on July 1
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Sweden’s SAQ Announces Annual Alexanderson Day VLF Transmission on July 1

Sweden’s World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station SAQ Alexanderson alternator will be on the air on July 1 on 17.2 kHz for its annual Alexanderson Day transmission. Three transmissions are…

RSPduo gives outstanding results vs a rig costing 10X the price!
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RSPduo gives outstanding results vs a rig costing 10X the price!

This video, released today by AE5X shows how well the RSPduo performs up against the Flex6300: Antenna 3 element 144MHz LFA-Q Super-Gainer Quad Style Yagi…

VERO China New Arrival: 40 Watts Dual Band Mobile Radio VR-6900 With Band Scope and APRS Display
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VERO China New Arrival: 40 Watts Dual Band Mobile Radio VR-6900 With Band Scope and APRS Display

  Firmware upgrade remote VR-6900 can update firmware remotely, fix some bugs when find it   Optional APRS VR-6900 support the optional APRS and display…