Giorno: 30 Giugno 2018

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USB Host con PIC32MX

Con l’avvento di microcontrollori dotati di funzionalità Host, come i PIC32MX460 introdotti tempo fa, è ora possibile usare tutto un insieme di periferiche USB. USB (Universal Serial Bus) è ormai diventato lo…

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3B8/OK2ZI Pointe aux Sables Mauritius. From

Karel, OK2ZI will be active as 3B8/OK2ZI from Pointe aux Sables, Mauritius Island, IOTA AF – 041, 26 July – 4 August 2018., 3B8/OK2ZI Pointe…

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Receive SSTV from the ISS

This weekend ARISS Russia is running a special slow-scan television event from the International Space Station. Unfortunately we learned the details too late to include…

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2 Days Off Grid – /P Ham Radio to Japan FT8 Random Wire Antenna

“Hello Operators In the previous videos from this excursion, we covered portable off grid battery and solar power, the Raspberry Pi for data communication over…

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The K7RA Solar Update – 06/29/2018

Conditions were good for Field Day weekend, with no major geomagnetic disruptions, while solar flux and sunspot numbers were relatively high for this part of…

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2018 CQ WW Rules Updated

Effective with the 2018 contest, there have been some modifications to the CQ WW rules developed and approved by the contest committee. In summary: Busted…