Mese: Giugno 2018

HB9HA Repeater 10th June 2018
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HB9HA Repeater 10th June 2018

Some decent conditions on 10m FM this evening. This video shows how the HB9HA repeater was coming into the North East of England. You will…

6M6M Yonghung Island. From
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6M6M Yonghung Island. From

6M6M Team will be active from Yonghung Island, IOTA AS – 105, 16 – 17 June 2018., 6M6M Yonghung Island. From, ,

Lo standard Amba AHB-Lite
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Lo standard Amba AHB-Lite

Le caratteristiche principali del protocollo AMBA AHB-Lite introdotto da ARM. Con la descrizione dello standard, vengono presentati modelli VHDL sintetizzabili dei diversi elementi che compongono il sistema. Il protocollo AMBA AHB-Lite è stato emesso nel 2006…

CB Radio – 789 Mile QSO On A Midland Portapak
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CB Radio – 789 Mile QSO On A Midland Portapak

Video:YouTube/26CTX1837 Cracking contact video sent to me from Stuart who spoke to Roy in Corsica using his Midland Portapak…

Baud detection con dsPIC30F
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Baud detection con dsPIC30F

La selezione del baud rate dell’UART di un microcontrollore è generalmente eseguita nella fase di inizializzazione, ma nel caso in cui il baud rate dei dati in arrivo…

8Q7DT Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7DT Maldive Islands. From

Daniel, SM0UDH will be active as 8Q7DT from Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013, 24 June – 9 July 2018., 8Q7DT Maldive Islands. From,…

Video interview KH1/KH7Z N1DG. From
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Video interview KH1/KH7Z N1DG. From

Valery Hotzeld, NV9L interviews Don Greenbaum N1DG about the upcoming KH1/KH7Z, Baker Island 2018 DXpedition., Video interview KH1/KH7Z N1DG. From, ,

9L1YXJ Freetown Sierra Leone. From
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9L1YXJ Freetown Sierra Leone. From

Mark, KW4XJ is receive permanent call 9L1YXJ., 9L1YXJ Freetown Sierra Leone. From, ,

Sailor Grateful for Maritime Mobile Service Network Assistance
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Sailor Grateful for Maritime Mobile Service Network Assistance

Phoenix sailor and radio amateur Timothy Henning, KE7WMZ, has expressed his gratitude to the Maritime Mobile Service Network (MMSN) for intercepting and handling his distress…

EOS-Book @D Speciale Internet of Things
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EOS-Book @D Speciale Internet of Things

E’ uscito lo speciale monotematico interamente dedicato all’IoT! I campi di utilizzo sono davvero molteplici; in questo numero ne analizzeremo alcuni quali efficienza energetica, sicurezza…

Migliorare le performance in termini di SNR per i ricevitori ad ultrasuoni
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Migliorare le performance in termini di SNR per i ricevitori ad ultrasuoni

Le più recenti generazioni di ricevitori e trasmettitori ad ultrasuoni, come il MAX2082, sono stati ottimizzati per avere elevate performance in termini di SNR. Tutto questo è…

E6Y Niue. From
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E6Y Niue. From

E6Y Niue. Radio Amateurs members of Quake Contesters Group will be active as E6Y from Niue Island, IOTA OC – 040, 6 – 16 October…

Drone Transmitters Complaint Spurs Proposed .8 Million FCC Penalty
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Drone Transmitters Complaint Spurs Proposed $2.8 Million FCC Penalty

In the wake of an investigation resulting from a 2017 ARRL complaint, the FCC has proposed fining HobbyKing and associated entities $2.8 million for apparently marketing…

Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”
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Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”

The Doctor offers advice about antenna options for the upcoming ARRL Field Day. Review SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics – Review and walk through May…

Using the MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna Horizontally
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Using the MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna Horizontally

“I test the MFJ-1788 in a horizontal position on my rooftop. The performance is great on 20m. I used an MFJ Cobweb antenna as the…

Oscar News – Your input will be very welcome
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Oscar News – Your input will be very welcome

The editors of the quarterly OSCAR NEWS magazine are now starting their hard work to put together the next edition. This will be published around…

ARRL 2018 Field Day Site Locator is Live, Public Service Announcements Available
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ARRL 2018 Field Day Site Locator is Live, Public Service Announcements Available

ARRL Field Day is June 23 – 24. See the May issue of QST, page 85, for the Field Day announcement. The Field Day site locator is now up…

Una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA
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Una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA

MikroElektronika mikromedia Plus è una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA. Le schede di sviluppo MikroElektronika mikromedia Plus possono essere usate per creare…

PMIC per i processori di applicazioni i.MX 8M
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PMIC per i processori di applicazioni i.MX 8M

ROHM ha annunciato la disponibilità di un sistema programmabile IC (PMIC) per la gestione della famiglia di processori i.MX 8M di NXP che eccelle nell’elaborazione…

Bootloader per dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24F/24H
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Bootloader per dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24F/24H

Il bootloader per i dispositivi della famiglia dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24H/24F è utilizzato per caricare ed avviare l’applicazione target sul proprio dispositivo. Nell’articolo saranno descritti i concetti base e gli step fondamentali per utilizzarlo. Il bootloader è costituito da…

LoRa contro NB-IoT: qual è la migliore LPWAN per IoT?
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LoRa contro NB-IoT: qual è la migliore LPWAN per IoT?

Nell’ambito dell’Internet delle Cose risulta palesemente necessaria la connettività tra gli oggetti (Cose) e la rete (Internet). Per applicazioni che richiedono una copertura di territorio…

OX3LX Greenland. From
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OX3LX Greenland. From

Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active as OX3LX from Greenland 1 – 14 July 2018., OX3LX Greenland. From, ,

Arriva il Contest Sezioni: un must!
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Arriva il Contest Sezioni: un must!

Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare in PDF

International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7
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International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7

The International Space Station (ISS) Amateur Radio Slow Scan Television (SSTV) system is expected to be active on 145.800 MHz FM on June 6 and…

Hungary Regains Access to 60 Meters
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Hungary Regains Access to 60 Meters

Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has published an update to the National Frequency Allocation Table to provide Amateur Radio access to the band 5,351.5 to 5,366.5…