Giorno: 28 Luglio 2018

UART/SIO le possibilità infinite di Fujitsu
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UART/SIO le possibilità infinite di Fujitsu

Accanto alle diverse risorse hardware che il componente offre, quali la presenza di timer programmabili, di interfacce LIN-UART, la gestione degli eventi asincroni esterni, la presenza di un convertitore A/D…

PX8Z Cotijuba Island. From
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PX8Z Cotijuba Island. From

PU8AYB, PU8WHJ, PY8ZE, PY8FML will be active Cotijuba Island, IOTA SA-060, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 28 – 29 July 2018, as PX8Z., PX8Z Cotijuba Island….

Video QSL KH1/KH7Z Baker Island. From
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Video QSL KH1/KH7Z Baker Island. From

Dateline DX is pleased to announce the final design of the front of our commemorative QSL highlighting both the history of and the unique nature…