Giorno: 11 Agosto 2018

Sistemi di sviluppo per LPC2000
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Sistemi di sviluppo per LPC2000

Esistono diverse proposte commerciali che permettono di sviluppare codice in ambiente ARM, in questo articolo è presentato l’ambiente MDK-ARM che ha il pregio di fornire una serie di utility attraverso un unico workbench. La proposta MDK-ARM…

SwiftX: Un cross compiler per sistemi embedded
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SwiftX: Un cross compiler per sistemi embedded

Scopriamo in questo articolo il cross compilatore SwiftX, un sistema di sviluppo interattivo basato sul linguaggio Forth in grado di supportare un’ampia gamma di microcontrollori. Il cross compilatore SwiftX è prodotto dalla società americana FORTH…

Albertas, LY5R – The WRTC2018 Champion Assistant. From
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Albertas, LY5R – The WRTC2018 Champion Assistant. From

The radiosport has become a very specialised branch of Amateur Radio. A contest radio operator is most often gifted in rather narrow capabilities., Albertas, LY5R…

Story of 3B7A from Saint Brandon archipelago by Diégo F4HAU. From
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Story of 3B7A from Saint Brandon archipelago by Diégo F4HAU. From

I’m gonna try to tell you the marvelous adventure of 3B7A on the island “île du Sud” on the archipelago of St Brandon through my…

Jurgis, LY9Y – The Radiosport Veteran And A Commendable Father . From
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Jurgis, LY9Y – The Radiosport Veteran And A Commendable Father . From

He is of the same age group as myself. In 1961 when he was 14 years old, Jurgis discovered a radio club in the school…

Updating the Firmware – Icom IC-7610 [ VIDEO ]
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Updating the Firmware – Icom IC-7610 [ VIDEO ]

Step by step instructions showing how to update the firmware using a USB thumb drive Faint signals are no longer a challenge for DXers and…

New US Submarine Forces Commander is Radio Amateur
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New US Submarine Forces Commander is Radio Amateur

US Navy Vice Admiral Charles A. “Chas” Richard, W4HFZ, assumed command of US submarine forces during a change-of-command ceremony on August 4, held aboard the submarine USS Washington (SSN-787)….

Ham Radio Deluxe v6.4.0.876 – Update
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Ham Radio Deluxe v6.4.0.876 – Update

This release fixes issues with saving the State and with DX cluster performance issues.  0002817: [Bug] Logbook: crashes when loading world map resource in main frame at…