Giorno: 26 Agosto 2018

C e Assembly: due mondi a confronto in ambiente AVR
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C e Assembly: due mondi a confronto in ambiente AVR

Il linguaggio assembly è uno strumento tipico per programmare sistemi embedded di piccola fascia. Oggi, con l’efficienza dei compilatori, è fortemente sconsigliato utilizzarlo; infatti, solo un linguaggio strutturato, come il C, rende la nostra architettura più versatile e manutenibile. Da…

Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ]
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Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ]

This is an overview of the Huntsville Hamfest 2018 News Huntsville HamFest 2018 [ Video ] August 25, 2018 No comments This is an overview…

Icom IC-7610 Real Time FT8 Diversity Reception
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Icom IC-7610 Real Time FT8 Diversity Reception

“Jarrad VK3BL demonstrates how to use Dual Watch and 2 instances of WSJT-X (the primary can TX as we will show in another video) to…

New Icom Amateur Products Including the IC-9700 to be Shown at Tokyo Hamfair 2018
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New Icom Amateur Products Including the IC-9700 to be Shown at Tokyo Hamfair 2018

IC-9700 As well as have three working demonstration units of the forthcoming IC-9700 VHF/UHF/1.2GHz transceiver, Icom Inc. will be unveiling other product innovations at the…