Giorno: 11 Settembre 2018

Gli Encoder Magnetici
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Gli Encoder Magnetici

In quasi tutte le applicazioni che prevedono l’utilizzo di un motore in continua è indispensabile conoscere la posizione dell’albero del motore. I meccanismi di misura…

La crescita dell’IoT Industriale
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La crescita dell’IoT Industriale

L’Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) è un concetto noto con diversi nomi: Industry 4.0, “fabbrica del futuro”, la quarta rivoluzione industriale, ma tutti incentrati sugli…

2m Band Portable QRP
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2m Band Portable QRP

Video:YouTube/2j4ez Lovely to see an FT-290R on parade…….

‘CB Talk’ App Privacy Concerns
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‘CB Talk’ App Privacy Concerns

You may have heard about the new Midland ‘CB Talk’ app which has been launched this week which basically allows you to use your mobile…

Salviamo le stazioni di Tempo!
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Salviamo le stazioni di Tempo!

Riportiamo di seguito il link di una raccolta firme per chiedere al governo degli Stati Uniti di mantenere in funzione le stazioni di tempo e…

Diploma Internazionale biennale “Loano Elettra 2018”
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Diploma Internazionale biennale “Loano Elettra 2018”

La Sezione A.R.I. di Loano ripropone per il 2018, il Diploma biennale Internazionale “Loano lettra”. Lo scopo dell’iniziativa è quello di incentivare l’attività radioamatoriale e…

ARRL Headquarters, Hurricane Watch Net, SATERN Monitoring Active Storms
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ARRL Headquarters, Hurricane Watch Net, SATERN Monitoring Active Storms

With active storms in the Atlantic and Pacific basins, ARRL Headquarters, the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), and the Salvation Army Team Emergency Network (SATERN) are…

Special Event Station WA2NYC Marking Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks
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Special Event Station WA2NYC Marking Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

WA2NYC is on the air to commemorate the 17th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and remember the…

The October Edition of Digital QST is Now Available
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The October Edition of Digital QST is Now Available

The September edition of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…