Giorno: 16 Settembre 2018

La comunicazione dati in RS 485
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La comunicazione dati in RS 485

L’RS485 è uno standard di trasmissione dati digitale di tipo seriale particolarmente robusto e flessibile utilizzato soprattutto in ambienti industriali. Scopriamone le caratteristiche, i pregi e le differenze che lo distinguono da altri standard più o meno simili….

Fog On The Tyne Radio Rally 2018 (ANARC)
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Fog On The Tyne Radio Rally 2018 (ANARC)

The Fog On The Tyne Radio Rally is held each year up here in the North East, not the biggest but still plenty to look…

New version of FT8CALL released
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New version of FT8CALL released

“Alright. Enough jib-jab. Here are the notable changes in 0.6: * Version 0.6 is not backwards compatible with 0.5 so you should upgrade ASAP. *…

Tools for Every Ham [ ARRL PODCAST ]
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Tools for Every Ham [ ARRL PODCAST ]

The Doctor discusses basic tools that every amateur should have in his or her station. Antenna Comet Antenna – Full Catalog (.pdf) April 15, 2015…

Hurricane Watch Net Remains Active as Florence Makes Landfall in North Carolina
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Hurricane Watch Net Remains Active as Florence Makes Landfall in North Carolina

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), which has been tracking the approach of Hurricane Florence, plans to remain active “until no longer needed.” The net activated…

Ham radio operators could play important role in potential Hurricane Florence disaster
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Ham radio operators could play important role in potential Hurricane Florence disaster

WEST CHESTER, Ohio – In the era of cell phones and the internet, oftentimes the aftermath of a hurricane can include a catastrophic loss of…

Ham Radio HF Digital Modes: Hellschreiber, Feld Hell Tutorial
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Ham Radio HF Digital Modes: Hellschreiber, Feld Hell Tutorial

“Are you tired of PSK31? Are you sick of FT8? Is RTTY just a bunch of contesting anymore? At last, I finally finished this video…