Giorno: 5 Ottobre 2018

Supervisori per componenti a bassissima tensione da Analog Devices
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Supervisori per componenti a bassissima tensione da Analog Devices

Analog Devices ha annunciato la famiglia LTC2962-LTC2964 Power by Linear™ di supervisori di tensione a 4-canali per un più ampio margine di tensione di sistema…

Sul banco di prova compilatori C per PIC
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Sul banco di prova compilatori C per PIC

Dal punto di vista dei compilatori C per PIC, il mercato offre veramente una moltitudine di prodotti, sia di fascia commerciale che gratuiti. Non c’è che l’imbarazzo della scelta…

I metodi e problemi della misura dell’ESR dei Condensatori
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I metodi e problemi della misura dell’ESR dei Condensatori

Ci sono molti vari tipi di condensatori con molti parametri diversi; ciascuno è adatto a una vasta gamma di applicazioni. Come il requisito di frequenza…

Hamfest 2018 (M0XMX Video)
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Hamfest 2018 (M0XMX Video)

Video posted by Mike M0XMX of the UK Hamfest 2018 at Newark….

Galashiels Radio Rally 2007 (Remastered + Extended)
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Galashiels Radio Rally 2007 (Remastered + Extended)

Another ‘Blast From The Past’ with a re-upload of my Galashiels Radio Rally video from 2007 now in much higher quality and with added extras!

Föra la fuffa by ARI-Milano
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Föra la fuffa by ARI-Milano

Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare la locandina in PDF

AMSAT-DL Symposium Hears Update on Es’hail-2 Satellite – SpaceX
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AMSAT-DL Symposium Hears Update on Es’hail-2 Satellite – SpaceX

Es’hail-2 – Amateur Radio satellite – SpaceX Progress toward the launch of the Es’Hail-2 geostationary Amateur Radio satellite was reported as AMSAT-DL held its annual symposium on September 29…

APRS, Baofeng , and Buying Used – Ham Radio Q&A
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APRS, Baofeng , and Buying Used – Ham Radio Q&A

   FCC Enforcement Advisory – Baofeng Update APRS Digipeaters and Wide1-1 path: 01:03 Buying Used Ham Radio Gear: 05:04 Update to the Illegal Baofeng Radio…

IARU Region 1 Volunteers and Partners Getting Behind WRC-19 50 MHz
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IARU Region 1 Volunteers and Partners Getting Behind WRC-19 50 MHz

IARU Region 1 – Spectrum International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) volunteers are continuing their work toward a favorable outcome for World Radio Conference 2019 (WRC-19) Agenda…

Tania’s Story: Morse code meets machine learning
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Tania’s Story: Morse code meets machine learning

Morse code About Morse for Gboard Developer Tania Finlayson found her voice through Morse code. Now she’s partnering with Google to bring Morse code to Gboard, so…

Sputnik -Earth’s First Artificial Satellite
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Sputnik -Earth’s First Artificial Satellite

Sputnik October 4 marks the 61st anniversary of the launch by the Soviet Union of Sputnik 1, Earth’s first artificial satellite. The Soviets heralded the launch…