Giorno: 27 Ottobre 2018

Igloo nano Starter kit FPGA alla portata di tutti
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Igloo nano Starter kit FPGA alla portata di tutti

Questo articolo presenta nel dettaglio l’IGLOO nano STARTER KIT di ACTEL/Microsemi, dal costo contenuto, per FPGA, che potrà essere usato come banco prova per molte sperimentazioni di progetti disponibili gratuitamente. Questa scheda è stata presentata molti anni…

EOS si espande: istituito il Comitato Scientifico per EOS-Book e Firmware
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EOS si espande: istituito il Comitato Scientifico per EOS-Book e Firmware

Elettronica Open Source continua ad espandersi! Abbiamo istituito un comitato scientifico come ulteriore supporto editoriale per la discussione e la valutazione di aspetti tecnici in…

The K7RA Solar Update – 10/26/2018
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The K7RA Solar Update – 10/26/2018

We saw no sunspots during the reporting week, October 18-24, so average daily sunspot number dropped from 12.6 to zero. The dearth of sunspots continued…

DX Group Seeks Reconsideration of Kure Atoll DXpedition Permit Application
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DX Group Seeks Reconsideration of Kure Atoll DXpedition Permit Application

Kure Atoll  The Pacific Islands DXpedition Group (PIDXG) is hoping to gain approval of its latest application for a DXpedition from Kure Atoll — currently…

Ailunce HD1 Review – Ham Radio Q&A
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Ailunce HD1 Review – Ham Radio Q&A

Ailunce HD1 Review “The Ailunce HD1 is a dual band amateur radio that supports both analog and DMR Tier I&II protocols. As the flagship of…

ContestConsole switching unit for ICOM radios
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ContestConsole switching unit for ICOM radios

ContestConsole Switching Accessory Unit for ICOM radios  “produced as the result of customer demand!” Gain full control of your ICOM radio with the SOTABEAMS ContestConsole. Easy…

iWSPR TX – WSPR for iOS version 2.8 now available
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iWSPR TX – WSPR for iOS version 2.8 now available

WSPR WSPR implements a protocol designed for probing potential propagation paths with low-power transmissions.  Normal transmissions carry a station’s callsign, Maidenhead grid locator, and transmitter…