Giorno: 31 Ottobre 2018

Clock Spread Spectrum
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Clock Spread Spectrum

L’elettronica attuale è caratterizzata da un aumento costante della velocità e della complessità dei prodotti. Inevitabilmente questo determina anche un incremento delle emissioni elettromagnetiche irradiate. Con il recente proliferare di dispositivi portatili e wireless la…

SAM L10/11: MCU a 32 bit con sicurezza a livello di chip e tecnologia TrustZone
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SAM L10/11: MCU a 32 bit con sicurezza a livello di chip e tecnologia TrustZone

Con il crescente aumento degli endpoint per IoT e, il conseguente, aumento delle violazioni della sicurezza, i progettisti sono alla ricerca di MCU che possano…

Southern UK 11m SSB Net 25/10/18
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Southern UK 11m SSB Net 25/10/18

Video:YouTube/2E0TWG_M6JVI_CT2116 TIM Some of the great SSB action from the Southern 11m Net here in the UK…. It is truly wonderful to see how SSB…

The 13th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction Grosses More than ,000
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The 13th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction Grosses More than $22,000

The 13th Annual ARRL On-Line Auction October 19 – 26 took in more than $22,000. In addition to hundreds of browsers, the auctioAn saw 214…

ARRL Says Manufacturers’ Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles Petition is Premature
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ARRL Says Manufacturers’ Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles Petition is Premature

ARRL is opposing a Petition for Rulemaking (RM-11815) by several vehicle manufacturers that calls on the FCC to “adopt field strength limits in Section 18.305 that will…