Giorno: 6 Novembre 2018

I convertitori di precisione A/D per PLC da +/-10V e 0-20mA di Analog Devices
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I convertitori di precisione A/D per PLC da +/-10V e 0-20mA di Analog Devices

Analog Devices (ADI) ha presentato due convertitori A/D multicanale di precisione da +/-10V e 0-20mA che facilitano la progettazione di soluzioni con controllori a logica…

SWR , How To Measure And Is it Important
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SWR , How To Measure And Is it Important

SWR W6LG, Jim, shows the loss in RG8X in a simple demonstration without using Algebra and Smith Charts. Digital Modes JS8Call 0.7 Released October 07,…

KA6LMS on the air November 6th from CBS Studio Center
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KA6LMS on the air November 6th from CBS Studio Center

Last Man Standing -Tim Allen Ham Radio “KA6LMS will welcome the team from Ham Radio Now, Gary Pierce (KN4AQ) and David Goldenberg (W0DHG) to our…

Station Grounding for Amateur Radio
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Station Grounding for Amateur Radio

Station Grounding for Amateur Radio Antenna ICOM AH-710 Folded Dipole Antennas AH-710 April 16, 2015 No comments Wire Antenna, Assembled, Multi-Band, Non-resonant, 150 W, UHF…

Es’hail-2 geostationary amateur radio transponders talk
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Es’hail-2 geostationary amateur radio transponders talk

Es’hail-2 Graham Shirville (G3VZV) & Dave Crump (G8GKQ) update us on Es’hail-2 and its amateur radio payload at the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium in Milton…

Build an APRS Fill In Digipeater – Ham Radio Q&A
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Build an APRS Fill In Digipeater – Ham Radio Q&A

APRDS “APRS or the Automated Packet Reporting System can be really handy for tracking vehicles and other assets during events like parades, rides or walkathons….