Giorno: 26 Novembre 2018

Attenzione ai puntatori a funzione
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Attenzione ai puntatori a funzione

Perché dovremmo preoccuparci di questo tema in un sistema embedded? La problematica della sicurezza e, di riflesso, quella dei puntatori a funzioni rientra sicuramente nella fattispecie dell’affidabilità del codice e per un sistema embedded questa necessità diventa prioritaria per via delle…

5% OFF @ Knights
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5% OFF @ Knights

Knights in the UK have recently updated their website and until 3rd December you can get 5% off your orders using code QUXPQ Link:

Yaesu FT-DX101D/MP Leaflet
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Yaesu FT-DX101D/MP Leaflet

Yaesu have produced a new leaflet for the upcoming FT-DX101D/MP radio… (Click images to enlarge)

Bishop Auckland Radio Rally 2018
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Bishop Auckland Radio Rally 2018

A video from today’s Bishop Auckland Radio Rally… Picked up a few goodies myself this year including a 4m radio, some very bright LED torches…