Giorno: 27 Novembre 2018

Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Creiamo le nostre librerie
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Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Creiamo le nostre librerie

La quinta lezione del corso avanzato sul linguaggio C verte sulla creazione di librerie, contenenti le proprie funzioni da richiamare all’occorrenza, senza doverle riscrivere da…

Il primo TPM al mondo per la sicurezza informatica nell’auto connessa da Infineon
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Il primo TPM al mondo per la sicurezza informatica nell’auto connessa da Infineon

Infineon Technologies AG sta consentendo un passo cruciale verso una maggiore sicurezza informatica nell’auto connessa. La società con sede a Monaco di Baviera è il…

BURST 2000A – HF power amplifier
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BURST 2000A – HF power amplifier

Technical characteristics of HF power amplifier BURST-2000A 2200 W PEP output power (SSB and CW) All HF bands, including WARC bands and 6 meters Rated…

California Radio Amateur Receives Notice of Unlicensed Operation from FCC
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California Radio Amateur Receives Notice of Unlicensed Operation from FCC

The FCC Enforcement Bureau on November 7 issued a Notice of Unlicensed Operation (NoUO) to Technician licensee Daryl Thomas, KE6MWS, of Carmichael, California, for allegedly operating an…

Yaesu FT-DX101D/MP  [ English Brochure ]
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Yaesu FT-DX101D/MP [ English Brochure ]

Yaesu FT-DX101D/MP The new FTDX101D is utilizing the latest SDR Technology and classified as our High-End HF line, the FTDX series, which amateurs have come to…

Jim Heath W6LG Discusses Antenna Gain, Yagis and Rotators
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Jim Heath W6LG Discusses Antenna Gain, Yagis and Rotators

Jim Heath W6LG talks about antenna gain using a light bulb. He shows a simple yagi and 2 brands of antenna rotator Antenna Rotatable 160…

Introducing the SDRplay Raspberry Pi downloadable SD Card Image
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Introducing the SDRplay Raspberry Pi downloadable SD Card Image

SDRplay Raspberry Pi Bringing the Radio Spectrum to your computer: In this video we show the process of downloading an SD card image for a…