Giorno: 3 Dicembre 2018

L’ABC dei microcontrollori su FPGA
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L’ABC dei microcontrollori su FPGA

Quando in molti progetti è necessario unire alla logica programmabile la funzionalità di un piccolo microprocessore le soluzioni semplici come il core ABC possono essere la risposta. Ci sia concesso il gioco di parole, ma è…

ICOM 7610 Noise Blanker and Noise Reduction
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ICOM 7610 Noise Blanker and Noise Reduction

Video:YouTube/OM0ET A demonstration of the noise blanker and noise reduction features on the Icom 7610

President McKinley – UK Price Revealed?
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President McKinley – UK Price Revealed?

There has been much speculation about the price of the upcoming President McKinley AM/FM/SSB radio.  The US equivalent sells for around £150 but as we…

Baofeng UV-5RX3 Tri-band UHF/VHF Teardown!
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Baofeng UV-5RX3 Tri-band UHF/VHF Teardown!

Video:YouTube/MikesRadioRepair What’s inside your Baofeng????? Take a look at this video and you’ll see!

Additional amateur radio communication Cubesats to launch on SSO-A
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Additional amateur radio communication Cubesats to launch on SSO-A

JY1SAT is a one unit CubeSat, dedicated to the memory of His Majesty the late King Hussein, the first founder of the HAM Radio in Jordan…