Giorno: 5 Dicembre 2018

La lettura delle stringhe NMEA
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La lettura delle stringhe NMEA

NMEA è uno standard di comunicazione utilizzato nella trasmissione dati satellitare (GPS) e nautica. L’ente che sviluppa e gestisce il protocollo è la National Marine Electronics Association. In questo articolo vedremo che cosa sono le stringhe NMEA e come…

Canadian National Parks on the Air Event Set to Start on January 1
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Canadian National Parks on the Air Event Set to Start on January 1

The Canadian National Parks on the Air event (CNPOTA) will get under way on January 1, 2019, and continue until year’s end. A volunteer group…

2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style
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2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style

The winner of the 2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award, Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, received the award plaque and allotted $1,500 on November 3 in a…

AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff Amateur Radio CubeSat Launched Successfully
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AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff Amateur Radio CubeSat Launched Successfully

SpaceX has announced that the SSO-A: SmallSat Express mission carrying AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff CubeSat has been deployed into orbit. A SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle carried Fox-1Cliff and…