Mese: Dicembre 2018

Finished product WSJT-X 2.0 now available
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Finished product WSJT-X 2.0 now available

WSJT-X implements communication protocols or “modes” called FT8, JT4, JT9, JT65, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144, and WSPR, as well as one called Echo for detecting and measuring your own radio signals reflected from the Moon.  These modes were…

Space Station Contact 10/12/2018
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Space Station Contact 10/12/2018

An International Space station Amateur Radio contact is planned with the Thiviers College and Chalais (Dordogne) in France on 10th December 2018. Scheduled time is…

Floureon FC200 – The Inside Story
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Floureon FC200 – The Inside Story

So I’ve had the back off these little radios and thought I’ll show you what’s inside…. (Click images to enlarge)   As you can see…

NASA releases first sounds ever recorded on Mars Read
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NASA releases first sounds ever recorded on Mars Read

Listen to Martian wind blow across NASA’s InSight lander. The spacecraft’s seismometer and air pressure sensor picked up vibrations from 10-15 mph (16-24 kph) winds…

Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 Commissioning Status
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Fox-1Cliff/AO-95 Commissioning Status

Following the launch of Fox-1Cliff/AO-95, AMSAT Engineering began the commissioning process, with the help of AMSAT Operations, on Tuesday December 4. Satellite telemetry indicates that the…

Algoritmi di filtraggio digitale
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Algoritmi di filtraggio digitale

La diffusione di microcontrollori a basso costo con funzionalità di DSP (Digital Signal Processing) rende disponibili degli apparati in grado di implementare l’elaborazione digitale dei segnali, e in particolare…

Floureon FC200 PMR446 Handsets
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Floureon FC200 PMR446 Handsets

MFJ Octopus Antenna, MFJ-2100 Making Contacts
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MFJ Octopus Antenna, MFJ-2100 Making Contacts

VHF 145 MHz Low Loss Bandpass Helical Filter April 29, 2015 No comments     Low Loss Bandpass by Mile Kokotov Basic design of the…

2018 QST Antenna Design Competition Winners Announced
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2018 QST Antenna Design Competition Winners Announced

ARRL has announced the winners of the 2018 QST Antenna Design Competition. “Dozens of entries were received, but only three could win,” said QST Editor Steve Ford, WB8IMY. Requirements…

Conversione da UART a SPI con FPGA
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Conversione da UART a SPI con FPGA

Molto spesso è necessario poter utilizzare direttamente componenti che abbiano un’interfaccia di tipo SPI come sistema di comunicazione. L’articolo evidenzia come sia possibile una comunicazione diretta su questi componenti, utilizzando la classica seriale RS232 senza uso di microprocessori e relativi FW, ma…

Contest ARI 40/80
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Contest ARI 40/80

CONTEST ARI 40/80 edizione 2018 8-9 DICEMBRE 2018   Regolamento Log Upload    Log pervenuti

ARRL Bill Leonard Audio Reporting Award Presented in New York City
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ARRL Bill Leonard Audio Reporting Award Presented in New York City

The 2017 ARRL Bill Leonard W2SKE Professional Media Award for Audio Reporting was presented in New York on December 6 to the producers and staff…

Your Questions Answered (Mobile Install, Inexpensive Radios, Power Supplies) – Ham Radio Q&A
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Your Questions Answered (Mobile Install, Inexpensive Radios, Power Supplies) – Ham Radio Q&A

VHF DVMega and Pi-Star DMR Hotspot – Ham Radio Q&A March 01, 2018 No comments “Don’t let the lack of a repeater keep you from…

Knacksat team request telemetry reports
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Knacksat team request telemetry reports

Tanan Rangseeprom HS1JAN has requested radio amateurs to help with receiving telemetry data from the Knacksat CubeSat that was launched on December 3. KOn the AMSAT…

Scopriamo la Spresense Main Board della SONY
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Scopriamo la Spresense Main Board della SONY

In questo articolo andiamo a esplorare “Spresense Main Board”, una scheda di sviluppo molto compatta, basata sul microcontrollore multicore CXD5602 della Sony. La sua maggiore…

La tecnologia POE nell’illuminazione a led
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La tecnologia POE nell’illuminazione a led

Power over Ethernet (nota anche come PoE) è una tecnologia nata nell’ambito del networking (e più precisamente in quello delle reti locali cablate, o LAN),…

Floureon FC200 16 Channel PMR446 Radios
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Floureon FC200 16 Channel PMR446 Radios

Picked these up recently from eBay, Floureon TC200 16 Channel PMR446 radios. Costing only £14.99 delivered (And I’ve seen a four pack for £26.99). Specs:…

FT8 On A Train!
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FT8 On A Train!


NEW President Walker II – HOW MUCH?
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NEW President Walker II – HOW MUCH?

The NEW President Walker II AM/FM only radio has been seen online on a German retailers website for 298 EUROS which equates to £265……….. GULP!!!!!…

President Lincoln II+ £70 OFF @ Nevada
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President Lincoln II+ £70 OFF @ Nevada

An extra special Christmas gift from Nevada as they have the President Lincoln II+ on offer for only £199.95 – That’s a whopping saving of…

La lettura delle stringhe NMEA
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La lettura delle stringhe NMEA

NMEA è uno standard di comunicazione utilizzato nella trasmissione dati satellitare (GPS) e nautica. L’ente che sviluppa e gestisce il protocollo è la National Marine Electronics Association. In questo articolo vedremo che cosa sono le stringhe NMEA e come…

Canadian National Parks on the Air Event Set to Start on January 1
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Canadian National Parks on the Air Event Set to Start on January 1

The Canadian National Parks on the Air event (CNPOTA) will get under way on January 1, 2019, and continue until year’s end. A volunteer group…

2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style
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2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award Presented in Festive Style

The winner of the 2018 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award, Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, received the award plaque and allotted $1,500 on November 3 in a…

AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff Amateur Radio CubeSat Launched Successfully
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AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff Amateur Radio CubeSat Launched Successfully

SpaceX has announced that the SSO-A: SmallSat Express mission carrying AMSAT’s Fox-1Cliff CubeSat has been deployed into orbit. A SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle carried Fox-1Cliff and…

Orologio a matrice di led con messaggio personalizzabile
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Orologio a matrice di led con messaggio personalizzabile

In questo articolo presentiamo un orologio a matrice di LED rossi, con diverse modalità per visualizzare l’orario, esso ha anche una funzione in cui viene…