Mese: Dicembre 2018

FCC Tells LED Sign Marketers to Abide by Statutes and Rules
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FCC Tells LED Sign Marketers to Abide by Statutes and Rules

The FCC Enforcement Bureau has called on on marketers of light-emitting diode (LED) signs to ensure that these lights comply with FCC rules. Since March of this…

BTECH DMR-6×2 and Anytone AT-D868UV, Side by Side
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BTECH DMR-6×2 and Anytone AT-D868UV, Side by Side

“In today’s episode, I do a side by side comparison of the BTECH DMR-6×2 dual band radio, and the Anytone AT-D868UV dual band DMR HT….

ICOM IC-7610 & excellent noise blanker and noise reduction
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ICOM IC-7610 & excellent noise blanker and noise reduction

ICOM IC-7610 “About two weeks in a row i receive very strong static noise from the nearby electric transformer station. The noise level is S9…

Amateur Radio Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas
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Amateur Radio Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas

VHF TH-D74 – Kenwood – APRS & D-STAR August 08, 2016 No comments TH-D74  The long-awaited “APRS” & “D-STAR”. To the dictates of the sensibility,…

L’ABC dei microcontrollori su FPGA
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L’ABC dei microcontrollori su FPGA

Quando in molti progetti è necessario unire alla logica programmabile la funzionalità di un piccolo microprocessore le soluzioni semplici come il core ABC possono essere la risposta. Ci sia concesso il gioco di parole, ma è…

ICOM 7610 Noise Blanker and Noise Reduction
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ICOM 7610 Noise Blanker and Noise Reduction

Video:YouTube/OM0ET A demonstration of the noise blanker and noise reduction features on the Icom 7610

President McKinley – UK Price Revealed?
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President McKinley – UK Price Revealed?

There has been much speculation about the price of the upcoming President McKinley AM/FM/SSB radio.  The US equivalent sells for around £150 but as we…

Baofeng UV-5RX3 Tri-band UHF/VHF Teardown!
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Baofeng UV-5RX3 Tri-band UHF/VHF Teardown!

Video:YouTube/MikesRadioRepair What’s inside your Baofeng????? Take a look at this video and you’ll see!

Additional amateur radio communication Cubesats to launch on SSO-A
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Additional amateur radio communication Cubesats to launch on SSO-A

JY1SAT is a one unit CubeSat, dedicated to the memory of His Majesty the late King Hussein, the first founder of the HAM Radio in Jordan…

easyRadio eRIC-LoRa
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easyRadio eRIC-LoRa

easyRadio eRIC-LoRa The easyRadio eRIC-LoRa (Long Range) RF transceiver module uses Chirped Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation together with DSP (Digital Signal Processing) to achieve greater range than…

Il protcollo ZigBee
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Il protcollo ZigBee

Nella scorsa puntata sono state introdotte le caratteristiche principali dei protocolli IEEE 802.15.4 e ZigBee, analizzando in dettaglio la soluzione di Digi-MaxStream, ossia i moduli della serie XBee e XBee PRO. In questo numero verrà…

Firmware 151 – Speciale Lighting & Optoelectronics
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Firmware 151 – Speciale Lighting & Optoelectronics

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Dicembre! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al mondo dei led e dell’optoelettronica. Si tratta di…

JS8Call 0.10.0 Released – A new ACTIVE / IDLE flag for Hearbeats, CQ repeats on an interval, and ADIF mode update!
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JS8Call 0.10.0 Released – A new ACTIVE / IDLE flag for Hearbeats, CQ repeats on an interval, and ADIF mode update!

“Hey Folks!  Version 0.10.0 of JS8Call has been released. Upgrade to the latest and greatest here:  The most prominent update…the ADIF group has approved the…

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“Some fresh news from Cape Town, South Africa. The 3YØI Team is about to deal other extensive training next week + gathering some additional equipment…

EOS-Book #45 – Mining delle criptovalute alternative con il Raspberry Pi
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EOS-Book #45 – Mining delle criptovalute alternative con il Raspberry Pi

È uscito EOS-Book di Dicembre! La copertina di questo numero è dedicata al mining di altcoin con il Raspberry Pi. All’interno troverete articoli su Blockchain,…

EOS-Book #45 – Mining delle criptovalute alternative con il Raspberry Pi
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EOS-Book #45 – Mining delle criptovalute alternative con il Raspberry Pi

È uscito EOS-Book di Dicembre! La copertina di questo numero è dedicata al mining di altcoin con il Raspberry Pi. All’interno troverete articoli su Blockchain,…

Questo Natale torna ESPertino [ESP32+WiFi+BLE] in omaggio per i nuovi abbonati
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Questo Natale torna ESPertino [ESP32+WiFi+BLE] in omaggio per i nuovi abbonati

Stai pensando di sottoscrivere un abbonamento alle riviste EOS-Book e Firmware? Da oggi avrai un motivo in più per farlo. I primi 200 abbonati Platinum…

Sergio & Sergei Hello from Space!  [  The Movie ]
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Sergio & Sergei Hello from Space! [ The Movie ]

Set in the end of the Cold War between the East and West Cold War, friendship through amateur radio of an astronaut (Sergei) staying in…

Ham Radio Contact With International Space Station NA1SS
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Ham Radio Contact With International Space Station NA1SS

International Space Station Equipment Xiegu G90 HF 20W SDR Transceiver November 28, 2018 in: Equipment No comments Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur…

JOTA Reports 36% Growth in Scout Participation
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JOTA Reports 36% Growth in Scout Participation

Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) 2018 reports that total Scout participation in the annual fall event jumped by 36% from 2017. Each year more than 1…

R7AB’s 12 el 14 Mhz band yagi. Boom lenght 40m. Selfsupported tower 42 m high
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R7AB’s 12 el 14 Mhz band yagi. Boom lenght 40m. Selfsupported tower 42 m high

Review Review of The Sidekar, CW device for the KX3 January 09, 2017 in: Review No comments “I’m startin’ the year with a long overdue…

Heil Sound of Bob Heil explaining the Parametric Audio Systems (PRAS)
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Heil Sound of Bob Heil explaining the Parametric Audio Systems (PRAS)

The Heil Sound Parametric Receive Audio System (PRAS) is a state-of-the-art audio system that enhances the internal audio systems of amateur radio, shortwave, commercial, and…