Anno: 2018

La periferica seriale dei PIC16
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La periferica seriale dei PIC16

Nella maggior parte dei pic è implementata una periferica seriale, che viene identificata con il termine di “UNIVERSAL SYNCRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER TRASMITTER (USART)”, nel presente articolo si fa riferimento a quella presente nel pic16f628. La USART è…

Comunicazioni V2X  – le tecnologie LTE e DSRC a confronto
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Comunicazioni V2X – le tecnologie LTE e DSRC a confronto

Con tutto il clamore che circonda i veicoli a guida autonoma basati sull’intelligenza artificiale (AI), sul riconoscimento delle immagini e sui sensori sofisticati, è facile…

FG/HG0R Guadeloupe. From
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FG/HG0R Guadeloupe. From

Laszlo, HG0R inform, that he will be active as FG/HG0R from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA – 102, 27 August – 7 September 2018., FG/HG0R Guadeloupe….

Concern Rising within Amateur Radio Community over WWV-WWVH Shut Down Proposal
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Concern Rising within Amateur Radio Community over WWV-WWVH Shut Down Proposal

ARRL members and Amateur Radio clubs are expressing increased concern over the inclusion of WWV and WWVH on a list of proposed cuts in the…

US Coast Guard Warns of LED Lighting Interference to Marine Radios, AIS Reception
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US Coast Guard Warns of LED Lighting Interference to Marine Radios, AIS Reception

The US Coast Guard says it’s received reports from crews, ship owners, inspectors, and other mariners regarding poor reception on VHF radiotelephone, digital selective calling…

Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites Receive OSCAR Designations
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Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites Receive OSCAR Designations

AMSAT has announced that it has granted OSCAR designators for the Chinese DSLWP-A and DSLWP-B microsatellites, successfully launched on May 18 into a lunar transfer orbit…

Baofeng UV-5RX3 Handheld Triband Radio
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Baofeng UV-5RX3 Handheld Triband Radio

UV-5RX3 is a compact, ergonomically hand fit HT, which balances cost, functionality and reliability. It provides real 5 watts in the frequency range of VHF,…

Norway gets 1kW on 6m and other bands
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Norway gets 1kW on 6m and other bands

On 8 August 2018, Norway got an updated amateur licence, allowing all Norwegian amateurs access to 50 to 52MHz with a power of 1kW. Other…

FO/KE1B Bora Bora Island Moorea Island. From
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FO/KE1B Bora Bora Island Moorea Island. From

KE1B and W6NN will be active as FO/KE1B from Bora Bora Island, IOTA OC – 067 and Moorea Island, OC – 046, 21 April –…

VP2EAQ VP2EAR Anguilla Island. From
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VP2EAQ VP2EAR Anguilla Island. From

KE1B and W6NN will be active again from Anguilla Island, IOTA NA – 022, 19 – 28 November, as VP2EAQ and VP2EAR., VP2EAQ VP2EAR Anguilla…

2 Meter VHF Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna – Ham Radio Q&A
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2 Meter VHF Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna – Ham Radio Q&A

“Are you looking for a fun and easy antenna project? The 1/4 ground plane might be just the ticket. This particular ground plane is constructed…

Labview e la porta seriale
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Labview e la porta seriale

Attualmente ci sono molte strumentazioni dotati di porta seriale. Come possiamo comunicare con loro in un modo semplice? La risposta è Labview. In questo articolo analizzeremo un semplice programma che ci permetterà di comunicare con il dispositivo via…

NEW Alinco DJ-MD5 DMR Handheld
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NEW Alinco DJ-MD5 DMR Handheld

The latest addition to the ever growing crop of dual band DMR radios…  Alinco DJ-MD5T VHF/UHF 5W DMR Dual Mode Tier I/II HT Features: DMR…

RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 3.5.2 now available
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RUMlogNG2Go for iOS version 3.5.2 now available

Thomas Lindner, DL2RUM, is happy to announce the availability of version 3.5.2 of his RUMlogNG2Go logger for the iPhone and iPad.  RUMlogNG2Go can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store.  More information…

Più uscite da un solo pin
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Più uscite da un solo pin

Questo progetto mostra come sia semplice partendo da un singolo pin di output avere la possibilità di ottenere più segnali di uscita, il tutto grazie ad un semplice filtro RC e ad un convertitore seriale/parallelo….

PWM software
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PWM software

Una modalità per la realizzazione di un segnale PWM software, generato su di un pin di un microcontrollore PIC della famiglia mid-range; metodo utile sia quando si usa un PIC senza PWM sia quando la…

4-Square installation in Eastport, Maine [ W2RE ]
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4-Square installation in Eastport, Maine [ W2RE ]

Ray is installing a Four-Square system using four of the DX Engineering DXE-7580FS-VA-2 Vertical antennas at the Eastport, Maine site. Brand:DX Engineering Manufacturer’s Part Number:DXE-7580FS-VA-2…

Play ARM7!
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Play ARM7!

Già da parecchio tempo, allo scopo di soddisfare le sempre più esigenti richieste del mercato, quasi tutte le case costruttrici di semiconduttori stanno producendo microcontrollori a 32 bit. Parallelamente, le richieste di sistemi…

French CB Radio Event 17th -19th August
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French CB Radio Event 17th -19th August

Listen out on channel 27 (Mid Band) – 27.275 for a national CB event taking place in France this weekend.  Google Translation from French to…

PJ7/K5SL Sint Maarten Island. From
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PJ7/K5SL Sint Maarten Island. From

K5SL will be active from Sint Maarten Island, IOTA NA – 105, 8 – 15 September 2018, as PJ7/K5SL., PJ7/K5SL Sint Maarten Island. From,…

SAQ in Sweden Receives More than 300 Reports on Alexanderson Day, July 1
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SAQ in Sweden Receives More than 300 Reports on Alexanderson Day, July 1

SAQ, the old Alexanderson alternator transmitter at the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station in Sweden, received 321 listener reports in response to its three 17.2…

Well-Known Contester, DXer Bob Morris, W4MYA, SK
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Well-Known Contester, DXer Bob Morris, W4MYA, SK

Robert S. “Bob” Morris, W4MYA, of Goochland, Virginia, died on August 14. An ARRL Life Member, he was 72. Morris had been suffering from cancer…

Introducing the World’s longest 50MHz/70MHz Dual Bander?
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Introducing the World’s longest 50MHz/70MHz Dual Bander?

The new 6-4-20 is a serious performer with an 11.1m computer optimised tapered boom and 10 elements on both 50MHz and 70MHz with a single…

Quando la guida autonoma diverrà realtà?
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Quando la guida autonoma diverrà realtà?

Dalla fine degli anni 90 l’interesse pubblico e l’attenzione dei media per i veicoli a guida autonoma sono andati lentamente aumentando anche grazie all’avanzare della…

VP2V/WJ2O British Virgin Islands. From
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VP2V/WJ2O British Virgin Islands. From

Dave, WJ2O will be active as VP2V/WJ2O from British Virgin Islands, IOTA NA – 106, 21 – 27 November 2018., VP2V/WJ2O British Virgin Islands. From…