US Navy Vice Admiral Charles A. “Chas” Richard, W4HFZ, assumed command of US submarine forces during a change-of-command ceremony on August 4, held aboard the submarine USS Washington (SSN-787)….
This release fixes issues with saving the State and with DX cluster performance issues. 0002817: [Bug] Logbook: crashes when loading world map resource in main frame at…
L’IoT promette di modificare radicalmente le nostre relazioni con il mondo che ci circonda. Un esempio è rappresentato dai sistemi di condizionamento e riscaldamento, dove…
ARRL’s Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative (CARI) will sponsor the first Collegiate QSO Party in mid-September, just as the fall semester gets under way. The new operating event…
According to Masa Arai, JN1GKZ, Japan’s space agency JAXA has announced that three BIRDS-2 CubeSats with APRS digipeaters will deploy from the International Space Station on August…
Outside of beacon signals, 4U1UN, the Amateur Radio club station at United Nations Headquarters in New York, has not been heard on the air since 2015,…
Thanks to IU2EFA (William) for writing in and letting us know about his success in decoding telemetry from the moon orbiting satellite known as DSLWP-B / LONGJIANG-2. LONJIANG-2…
Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) volunteers have pitched in to assist where needed to provide or support communication as catastrophic wildfires have struck California. Volunteers…
Es’hailSat, the Qatar Satellite Company, has tweeted that it’s anticipating that SpaceX will launch its geostationary Es’hail-2 satellite sometime in the 4th quarter of 2018. The commercial…
ARRL has commented in “strong opposition” to a Petition for Rulemaking by RADWIN Ltd. that seeks to amend certain Part 15 rules to permit point-to-multipoint (P2MP) communication services in…
Un viaggio all’interno del PIC 24 con l’analisi delle periferiche ed in particolare dei moduli RTCC (RealTime Clock & Calendar), PMP (Parallel Master Port) e CRC (Cyclic Redundancy…
I dispositivi digitali con i quali interagiamo ogni giorno sono tutti basati sulla logica, o aritmetica, binaria. Computer, smartphone, applicazioni software e app, microprocessori e…
Video:YouTube/KB9VBR Antennas With the FCC in the US recently causing a bit of a stir by effectively banning the Baofeng UV-5R from sale, Micheal Martens…
In the spirit of being transparent to our Hamvention family, we are distributing this update: Hamvention/Dayton Amateur Radio Association has spent many hours working with…
La libreria di conversione in ambiente AVR che presenteremo in questo articolo è ready-to-run per essere utilizzata in applicazioni embedded e dispone di numerosi aspetti che la rendono davvero interessante. Questa libreria di conversione, da rappresentazioni in…
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