Anno: 2018

E6Y Niue. From
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E6Y Niue. From

E6Y Niue. Radio Amateurs members of Quake Contesters Group will be active as E6Y from Niue Island, IOTA OC – 040, 6 – 16 October…

Drone Transmitters Complaint Spurs Proposed .8 Million FCC Penalty
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Drone Transmitters Complaint Spurs Proposed $2.8 Million FCC Penalty

In the wake of an investigation resulting from a 2017 ARRL complaint, the FCC has proposed fining HobbyKing and associated entities $2.8 million for apparently marketing…

Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”
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Field Day Antennas [ PodCast ] – “ARRL The Doctor is In”

The Doctor offers advice about antenna options for the upcoming ARRL Field Day. Review SunSDR MB1 by Expert Electronics – Review and walk through May…

Using the MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna Horizontally
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Using the MFJ-1788 Mag Loop Antenna Horizontally

“I test the MFJ-1788 in a horizontal position on my rooftop. The performance is great on 20m. I used an MFJ Cobweb antenna as the…

Oscar News – Your input will be very welcome
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Oscar News – Your input will be very welcome

The editors of the quarterly OSCAR NEWS magazine are now starting their hard work to put together the next edition. This will be published around…

ARRL 2018 Field Day Site Locator is Live, Public Service Announcements Available
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ARRL 2018 Field Day Site Locator is Live, Public Service Announcements Available

ARRL Field Day is June 23 – 24. See the May issue of QST, page 85, for the Field Day announcement. The Field Day site locator is now up…

Una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA
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Una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA

MikroElektronika mikromedia Plus è una compatta scheda di sviluppo display per microcontrollori TIVA. Le schede di sviluppo MikroElektronika mikromedia Plus possono essere usate per creare…

PMIC per i processori di applicazioni i.MX 8M
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PMIC per i processori di applicazioni i.MX 8M

ROHM ha annunciato la disponibilità di un sistema programmabile IC (PMIC) per la gestione della famiglia di processori i.MX 8M di NXP che eccelle nell’elaborazione…

Bootloader per dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24F/24H
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Bootloader per dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24F/24H

Il bootloader per i dispositivi della famiglia dsPIC30F/33F e PIC24H/24F è utilizzato per caricare ed avviare l’applicazione target sul proprio dispositivo. Nell’articolo saranno descritti i concetti base e gli step fondamentali per utilizzarlo. Il bootloader è costituito da…

LoRa contro NB-IoT: qual è la migliore LPWAN per IoT?
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LoRa contro NB-IoT: qual è la migliore LPWAN per IoT?

Nell’ambito dell’Internet delle Cose risulta palesemente necessaria la connettività tra gli oggetti (Cose) e la rete (Internet). Per applicazioni che richiedono una copertura di territorio…

OX3LX Greenland. From
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OX3LX Greenland. From

Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active as OX3LX from Greenland 1 – 14 July 2018., OX3LX Greenland. From, ,

Arriva il Contest Sezioni: un must!
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Arriva il Contest Sezioni: un must!

Clicca sull’immagine per scaricare in PDF

International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7
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International Space Station SSTV Set to be Active June 6 – 7

The International Space Station (ISS) Amateur Radio Slow Scan Television (SSTV) system is expected to be active on 145.800 MHz FM on June 6 and…

Hungary Regains Access to 60 Meters
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Hungary Regains Access to 60 Meters

Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has published an update to the National Frequency Allocation Table to provide Amateur Radio access to the band 5,351.5 to 5,366.5…

ADC a 12 bit per applicazioni di strumentazione e difesa
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ADC a 12 bit per applicazioni di strumentazione e difesa

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) ha annunciato un nuovo convertitore analogico-digitale (ADC) con prestazioni parametriche più elevate, una banda di Nyquist più ampia, la capacità di…

Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Il preprocessore
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Corso C avanzato su Raspberry PI: Il preprocessore

Da questo numero inizia, a grande richiesta, il corso di livello avanzato sulla programmazione in linguaggio C, con il Raspberry Pi. Per la comprensione di…

CB Radio Skip 4th May 2018
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CB Radio Skip 4th May 2018

Including the Channel 35 Gang from London….. Great to speak to you guys!!!! Why not check out their Facebook page: CLICK HERE

NEW TTI CB Radio Range
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NEW TTI CB Radio Range

TTI have released their new catalogue which features an updated range of CB Radios…. Click Images To Enlarge: Radio comparison chart:

Antenna and Analyzer Questions by KE0OG
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Antenna and Analyzer Questions by KE0OG

“New Ask Dave format with Dave Casler and with Ask Dave Editor Trevor Oman, takes on questions about antennas and analyzers.” Antenna Basics of building…

Politico Article Raises Visibility of Amateur Radio Parity Act Progress, Challenges
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Politico Article Raises Visibility of Amateur Radio Parity Act Progress, Challenges

On May 23, the US House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that included the language of the Amateur Radio Parity Act (HR 555) cleared…

Raspberry Pi: una scheda IoT sempre più potente!
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Raspberry Pi: una scheda IoT sempre più potente!

Negli ultimi decenni, è giusto dire che i computer e la tecnologia in generale si sono sviluppati a un ritmo impressionante. Raspberry Pi è stato…

2m SSB Net Scotland 03/06/2018
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2m SSB Net Scotland 03/06/2018

Video:YouTube/The Hoppy Hippie Great to hear some 2m band SSB activity. I have tried to get the locals around me onto 2m SSB but there…

Rotary Encoder senza contatto
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Rotary Encoder senza contatto

Il crescente sviluppo di applicazioni in ambito automazione, fa si che la ricerca elettronica punti decisamente verso la ottimizzazione dei sistemi di controllo, in modo da ottenere sistemi dai costi più contenuti e dall’efficienza sempre maggiore. Uno dei…

PMR446 DX Weekend 2018
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PMR446 DX Weekend 2018

Heads up for yet another radio event here in the UK this year…. The PMR446 DX Weekend will take place on Saturday 4th and Sunday…

NEW Yaesu FT-4X / FT-4V
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NEW Yaesu FT-4X / FT-4V

Yaesu now appears to have finally entered the low price end of the handheld market (currently occupied firmly by the likes of Baofeng) and has…