Anno: 2018

FCC Denies Petition Aimed at Preventing Interference from Digital Repeaters to Analog Repeaters
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FCC Denies Petition Aimed at Preventing Interference from Digital Repeaters to Analog Repeaters

The FCC has turned away a Petition for Rulemaking from a Michigan radio amateur that asked the Commission to amend Section 97.205 of the Amateur Service rules…

Lo standard AMBA-LITE – La matrice di connessione
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Lo standard AMBA-LITE – La matrice di connessione

L’ultimo tassello che manca per poter costruire il nostro sistema è la descrizione della matrice di connessione che decodifica l’indirizzo della transazione per selezionare il corretto dispositivo slave e indirizza verso il master…

Firmware 146 – Speciale Medical
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Firmware 146 – Speciale Medical

È uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware di Giugno! Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Medical di cui ne approfondiremo vari aspetti,…

Video C8T Mozambique. From
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Video C8T Mozambique. From

Video C8T DX Pedition Mozambique 2018., Video C8T Mozambique. From, ,

HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From
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HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From

4Z5LA is currently active from Liechtenstein as HB0/4Z5LA, HB0/4Z5LA Liechtenstein. From, ,

Jim, W6LG, Shows an Electrical Plug After It Failed
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Jim, W6LG, Shows an Electrical Plug After It Failed

Jim shows what happened to an electrical plug after it developed a loose screw. VHF Tytera (TYT) MD-380 UHF 400-480MHZ Digital Radio (DMR) June 05,…

WX4NHC Station Test “Very Successful”
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WX4NHC Station Test “Very Successful”

The annual on-the-air station test of WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami on Saturday, May 26, was “very successful,” Assistant…

ARISS to Conduct Digital Amateur Radio TV Transmitter Test on June 1
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ARISS to Conduct Digital Amateur Radio TV Transmitter Test on June 1

ARISS will conduct a test of the “Ham Video” digital Amateur Radio television transmitter on the Columbus of the International Space Station on Friday, June 1. The…

Ambitious Arizona STEM Planetary Rover Project is a Winner
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Ambitious Arizona STEM Planetary Rover Project is a Winner

An Amateur Radio-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) initiative at an Arizona elementary school culminated on May 22, as youngsters competitively deployed their own…

EOS-Book #40 – Applicazioni IOTA per l’IoT
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EOS-Book #40 – Applicazioni IOTA per l’IoT

È uscito EOS-Book di Giugno! La copertina di questo numero è dedicata alle applicazioni IOTA in ambito IoT. All’interno troverete articoli su Smartphone e app,…

Aspetti di design della tecnologia LTE
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Aspetti di design della tecnologia LTE

In un precedente articolo avevamo illustrato una panoramica sulle tendenze di mercato in ambito IoT. In questo articolo invece analizzeremo i requisiti per i vari…

Portable CB Radio Activation Pilot Hill
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Portable CB Radio Activation Pilot Hill

Video:YouTube/26CT1994 CB Radio Portable Activation from Pilot Hill in Hampshire (UK)….

YJ0AFU Vanuatu. From
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YJ0AFU Vanuatu. From

Daniel, VK4AFU will be active as YJ0AFU from Vanuatu, 25 December 2018 – 1 January 2019., YJ0AFU Vanuatu. From, ,

I primi 50 anni di ARI-Latina
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I primi 50 anni di ARI-Latina

La Sezione ARI di Latina  indice il “Trofeo Citta’ di Latina”, per festeggiare i 50 anni di attività della Sezione.   Regolamento Periodo: dalle ore…

8° Mercatino a Montegrappa
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8° Mercatino a Montegrappa

IC-7610 Technical Report Vol. 2 (English Version)
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IC-7610 Technical Report Vol. 2 (English Version)

IC-7610 Technical Report, which explains the RF direct sampling system and RMDR used in the IC-7610.   You can find the Technical Report here:…/pro…/amateur/hf/ic-7610/special.html…

NEW – President Taylor IV
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NEW – President Taylor IV

So yet another NEW radio from President, this time it’s the President Taylor IV: 40 channels AM / FM – Multi Norm Manual squelch and…

The Big CB Net 2018
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The Big CB Net 2018

Just a heads up that later in the year we celebrate 37 years of LEGAL CB Radio here in the UK. As usual there will…

Eagles Guitarist Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, Promotes Amateur Radio in Media Announcements
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Eagles Guitarist Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, Promotes Amateur Radio in Media Announcements

Legendary rock guitarist Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, of the Eagles is featured in a just-released set of ARRL audio and video public service announcements promoting Amateur Radio. ARRL…

World Football Cup – Radio Marathon
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World Football Cup – Radio Marathon

RULES of the radio marathon dedicated to the World Football Cup of 2018. 1. This radio marathon dedicated to the World Football Cup of 2018 is…

Installing Your Ham Radio In Your Vehicle, Tips And Tricks For Mobile
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Installing Your Ham Radio In Your Vehicle, Tips And Tricks For Mobile

“So I made a video showing a couple options that you can use for installing your ham radio in your vehicle. Every installation will be…

Alimentazione sotto controllo
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Alimentazione sotto controllo

Un metodo di misura della tensione di alimentazione dei microcontrollori PIC tramite un riferimento interno di 0.6 Volts e una possibile calibrazione dello strumento per ridurre gli errori nelle misurazioni. Alcuni microcontrollori contengono un riferimento di tensione…

Effetti fotobiologici dei sensori di prossimità IR
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Effetti fotobiologici dei sensori di prossimità IR

I sensori di prossimità attivi, oggi largamente utilizzati in numerosi dispositivi elettronici, sono in grado di determinare la presenza e misurare la distanza di un…

T88YL Koror Island Palau. From
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T88YL Koror Island Palau. From

Tatsuko, JJ1BDT will be active as T88YL from Koror Island, IOTA OC – 009, Palau, 22 – 27 June 2018., T88YL Koror Island Palau. From…

MARS Urging Members to Use Computers that are Isolated from the Internet
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MARS Urging Members to Use Computers that are Isolated from the Internet

US Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) Headquarters is recommending that MARS members “migrate to stand-alone computer systems for [MARS] radio operations,” subject to the…