Anno: 2018

Interview VA3MW, from Flex Radio talks to us about 4 new models of SDR HF Radios
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Interview VA3MW, from Flex Radio talks to us about 4 new models of SDR HF Radios

Michael Walker, VA3MW, from Flex Radio talks to us about 4 new models of SDR HF Radios that are about to be released, and some…

A Dualband 50/70MHz Yagi with single feedpoint – 5/7 (12) element 144/70MHz Yagi (2.4m)
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A Dualband 50/70MHz Yagi with single feedpoint – 5/7 (12) element 144/70MHz Yagi (2.4m)

An Excellent Dual Band Yagi for 70/144MHz on a 2.4m boom and single feed point The 4-2-12 Dual Band Yagi has a total of 12 elements, 5 elements are used…

Costruiamo un portabottiglie equilibrista in legno
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Costruiamo un portabottiglie equilibrista in legno

Chi non è mai rimasto meravigliato dinanzi a quei portabottiglie messi in equilibro, in posizione inclinata con tanto di bottiglia piena di vino, a far…

Sicurezza e IoT: un binomio inscindibile
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Sicurezza e IoT: un binomio inscindibile

L’Internet of Things (IoT) è decisamente entrato nel mercato, con ancora altri passi da compiere ma con buoni risultati fin qui raggiunti.  Aziende come Google…

3W9DLE Vietnam. From
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3W9DLE Vietnam. From

Chuck, W0DLE will be active as 3W9DLE, from Vietnam in February, March, April 2018., 3W9DLE Vietnam. From, ,

A Pontedera si fa mercato
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A Pontedera si fa mercato

A Note to Members from ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR
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A Note to Members from ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR

In the last few weeks, the ARRL’s Board of Directors has been the subject of an organized misinformation campaign. It is being orchestrated by a…

Fox-1D Amateur Radio CubeSat Launches Successfully, Now Designated as AO-92
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Fox-1D Amateur Radio CubeSat Launches Successfully, Now Designated as AO-92

Right on schedule at 0359 UTC on January 12, the solid-fueled first stage and ground-lit strap-on boosters of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Polar…

I pannelli di illuminazione OLEG LG diventano di massa
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I pannelli di illuminazione OLEG LG diventano di massa

LG Display ha avviato la produzione in serie di pannelli luminosi OLED flessibili presso il suo stabilimento Gen 5 (pannelli 1,1 x 1,25 m) a…

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Questo semplice tool offerto  da fujitsu facilita la programmazione dei registri relativi ai controller CAN presenti nella propria gamma di microcontrollori a 16  e 32  bit. L’utility fornisce un comodo ausilio…

Ailunnce HD1 DMR – Review and how to build a DMR codeplug
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Ailunnce HD1 DMR – Review and how to build a DMR codeplug

“The Ailunce HD1. It’s a DMR Radio. It’s a Ham Radio. It’s both. This promises to be the next evolution in Dual Band DMR handhelds….

Intelligent I/O nei micro Renesas
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Intelligent I/O nei micro Renesas

Intelligent i/o è una periferica integrata nei micro renesas della famiglia mc32/80 che rende disponibili moduli per eseguire misure di tempo, generare segnali di controllo temporizzati, gestire protocolli di comunicazione standard. Intelligent I/O è…

SDRuno V1.22 has now been released
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SDRuno V1.22 has now been released

SDRuno Download  This version contains the following changes and bug fixes… Added• Support for 1366×768 default layout• ADC overload detection in AGC off mode •…

Ham radio CubeSat launch success
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Ham radio CubeSat launch success

CubeSats carrying amateur radio payloads were among the 31 satellites successfully launched on January 12 at 0359 UT on the ISRO PSLV-C40 mission from Satish…

Tickets are Available for DX Dinner in Dayton
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Tickets are Available for DX Dinner in Dayton

Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo Tickets are Available for DX Dinner in Dayton su Etere Blog | Radioamatori | Amateur Radio | HamRadio |…

Club Group Will Operate W1AW for Winter Field Day
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Club Group Will Operate W1AW for Winter Field Day

Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will host a group that will take part in Winter Field Day later this month. Sponsored by the Winter Field Day…

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2098 for Friday, January 12, 2018
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Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2098 for Friday, January 12, 2018


DP0GVN Neumayer III Station Antarctica. From
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DP0GVN Neumayer III Station Antarctica. From

Matthias, DH5CW will be active from Neumayer III Station, IOTA AN – 016, Antarctica, February 2018 – February 2019, as DP0GVN., DP0GVN Neumayer III Station…

DH5CW  Neumayer Station III Antarctica. From
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DH5CW Neumayer Station III Antarctica. From

Matthias, DH5CW will be active from Neumayer Station III, IOTA AN – 016, Antarctica, until February 2018 as DH5CW., DH5CW Neumayer Station III Antarctica. From…

HC1MD Ecuador. From
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HC1MD Ecuador. From

Richard, NE8Z will be again active from Ecuador, 20 January – 10 February 2018 as HC1MD., HC1MD Ecuador. From, ,

Il modulo quadrature encoder nei dsPIC
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Il modulo quadrature encoder nei dsPIC

In applicazioni basate su parti  rotanti è spesso richiesta la conoscenza della velocità angolare e della direzione di rotazione. Tali informazioni sono prelevate da un dispositivo detto encoder incrementale, che dotato  di…

Considerazioni sul power management nei sistemi IoT
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Considerazioni sul power management nei sistemi IoT

Poiché ci sono miliardi di nodi sensori IoT ancora da implementare, un problema critico che affligge molti sviluppatori è l’alimentazione. L’utilizzo di una powerline per…

Costituzione CDN – CSN 2018 – 2020
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Costituzione CDN – CSN 2018 – 2020

 COSTITUZIONE  CDN – CSN 2018 – 2020 Si informano tutti i soci che nella riunIone dei consiglieri eletti del 11.01.2018 sono stati ricostituiti il Consiglio…

MFJ Extends its Cobweb Antenna to 40 Meters [ Review ]
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MFJ Extends its Cobweb Antenna to 40 Meters [ Review ]

Ask Dave 71 reviews the MFJ cobweb antenna, covering 20 through 10 meters. MFJ recently came out with a modification kit, adding 30 and 40…

Nominations Sought for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award
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Nominations Sought for Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award

Nominations are open for ARRL’s annual Philip J. McGan Memorial Silver Antenna Award, which recognizes and honors the efforts of individuals who create greater awareness…