Anno: 2018

Using FLDigi to Communicate with Olivia Digital Mode on HF by Tomas NW7US
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Using FLDigi to Communicate with Olivia Digital Mode on HF by Tomas NW7US

“This is a demonstration of using FLDigi software to work with the Olivia digital communications keyboard-to-keyboard mode used in the amateur radio service (by ham…

Corso sugli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto partendo da zero: simulatore di scenari e sistemi di riconoscimento
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Corso sugli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto partendo da zero: simulatore di scenari e sistemi di riconoscimento

Continua il corso dedicato agli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto (APR). Siamo partiti illustrandone la tecnologia, i principi di funzionamento, lo stato dell’arte e la storia….

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Lo standard che ha raggiunto una discreta diffusione per collegamenti, con canale parallelo, di sistemi programmabili autonomi è il IEEE-488 conosciuto anche come GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus)…

Kenwood THK20A Transceiver  – ARRL Video Review
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Kenwood THK20A Transceiver – ARRL Video Review

A powerful communications tool in every sense, KENWOOD’s new TH-K20A/K40A radio offers 5.5 watts of RF output to ensure reliable performance. Numerous features ensure superb…

VHDL for beginners: Le Macchine a Stati Finiti
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VHDL for beginners: Le Macchine a Stati Finiti

Nelle precedenti lezioni abbiamo visto come il VHDL mette a disposizione alcuni costrutti per realizzare i circuiti sequenziali. In generale un circuito sequenziale, se ben…

DU0DM Corregidor Island. From
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DU0DM Corregidor Island. From

Brian, DU1MS informs that group of Radio Amateurs will be active as DU0DM, from Corregidor Island, IOTA OC – 244, 13 – 14 January…

DXCC Most Wanted 2018. From
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DXCC Most Wanted 2018. From

DXCC Most wanted countries 2018 Club Log version. Updated 31 December 2017., DXCC Most Wanted 2018. From, ,

J3/G0VJG Grenada Island. From
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J3/G0VJG Grenada Island. From

Nobby, G0VJG will be active from Grenada Island, IOTA NA – 024, 13 – 27 June 2018, as J3/G0VJG (call not confirmed yet)., J3/G0VJG Grenada…

An Airman on the Air – A Visit with SP7EWX. From
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An Airman on the Air – A Visit with SP7EWX. From

This is not a Hollywood movie screenplay, not another American dream story. It is a short, but true account of one person’s ambitious pursuit of…

Learning The HF Bands: 10 meters/28mhz, An Introduction to HF
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Learning The HF Bands: 10 meters/28mhz, An Introduction to HF

“This is where you start. Video #1. I have done a quick video on each one of the HF bands to educate the newcomer to…

Young Washington Radio Amateur Debuts Her Call Sign on HF, Hands Out Her Grid Square on Opening Day
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Young Washington Radio Amateur Debuts Her Call Sign on HF, Hands Out Her Grid Square on Opening Day

January 1 was the opening day for the ARRL International Grid Chase 2018 (IGC), and newly minted General-class operator Katie Thompsen, KI7HCX, of Mt Vernon,…

Giocare a scacchi con il Raspberry Pi
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Giocare a scacchi con il Raspberry Pi

Il Raspberry Pi è un computer a tutti gli effetti. E’ plausibile, dunque, che un software scacchistico in esso installato possa essere utilizzato con successo….

EOS-Book @C Speciale ESPertino Starter Kit
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EOS-Book @C Speciale ESPertino Starter Kit

E’ uscito lo speciale monotematico interamente dedicato ad ESPertino Starter Kit! All’interno troverete alcune applicazioni realizzabili con le componenti del kit e tanti spunti per…

Libreria per la gestione dei timers software
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Libreria per la gestione dei timers software

Realizzare una libreria per la gestione dei timers sotfware. L’articolo inizia con la descrizione della procedura di basic timer e dei timer software sincroni per…

Buon Anno 2018
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Buon Anno 2018

                A TUTTI I SOCI                              Sempre e comunque:  Forza CISAR                                                                                CDN-CSN             gif by Fonte originale con articolo completo Articolo…

3W9T Vietnam. From
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3W9T Vietnam. From

Trung, W6TN will be active from Vietnam, until 11 January 2018, as 3W9T., 3W9T Vietnam. From, ,

C96RRC C98RRC Mozambique Island Inhaca Island. From
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C96RRC C98RRC Mozambique Island Inhaca Island. From

Radio Amateurs members of Russian Robinson Club will be active as C96RRC and C98RRC from Mozambique Island, IOTA AF – 088 and Inhaca Island, IOTA…

V5/DK7PE Namibia. From
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V5/DK7PE Namibia. From

Rudi, DK7PE will be active as V5/DK7PE from Namibia by the end of January 2018., V5/DK7PE Namibia. From, ,

HS0ZIQ Phuket Island. From
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HS0ZIQ Phuket Island. From

ZB2JK will be active from Phuket Island, IOTA AS-053, until 10 January 2018 as HS0ZIQ., HS0ZIQ Phuket Island. From, ,

WIMAX il futuro del Wi-fi?
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WIMAX il futuro del Wi-fi?

Wimax è una tecnologia di trasmissione senza fili d’accesso a banda larga (bwa – broadband wireless access), in grado di fornire elevate prestazioni, in termini…

L’ambiente di sviluppo per le FPGA ACTEL LIBERO IDE
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L’ambiente di sviluppo per le FPGA ACTEL LIBERO IDE

Actel ha rilasciato tempo fa una versione di libero integrated design environment (ide), che dispone del pieno supporto per le famiglie di FPGA low-power igloo, mixed-signal fusion e le low-cost…

I microcontrollori 8051 SILABS
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I microcontrollori 8051 SILABS

I microcontrollori silabs si basano  sul collaudato core 8051. sono disponibili in cento versioni diverse e offrono un’ampia scelta di periferiche analogiche e di comunicazione. La famiglia di microcontrollori…

L’interfaccia JTAG nei micro Sharc
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L’interfaccia JTAG nei micro Sharc

Il dispositivo jtag dello sharc è un potente strumento di debug e di verifica. in questo articolo vedremo anche una piccola panoramica dei vari sistemi…

V31TA Turneffe Atoll. From
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V31TA Turneffe Atoll. From

Jim , W2JHP will be active again from Turneffe Atoll, IOTA NA-123, 3 – 10 January 2018 as V31TA., V31TA Turneffe Atoll. From, ,