Giorno: 3 Gennaio 2019

Gli Smart Contract nelle Blockchain
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Gli Smart Contract nelle Blockchain

Blockchain è in pratica un agglomerato di tecnologie. Per far si che le condizioni di lavoro e l’attuazione dei vari scopi della blockchain si sposino…

Caricabatteria USB con ATmega
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Caricabatteria USB con ATmega

Una connessione USB, un microcontrollore ATMega ed un convertitore DC/DC sono tutto quello che serve per realizzare un caricabatterie per celle a ioni di litio. Scopriamo come. Nel 2008 Atmel ha introdotto la…

Solar Cycle 25
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Solar Cycle 25

With 2019 set to see the bottom of the current solar cycle all eyes are looking towards Solar Cycle 25…. When will it start? When…

Third Wednesday Monthly Communications Exercises Set
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Third Wednesday Monthly Communications Exercises Set

FEMA Region 10 will conduct monthly communications exercises (COMMEX) on the third Wednesday of each month, starting on January 16, 1730 – 1900 UTC. Amateur…

FCC Reaches 0,000 Settlement in Unauthorized Satellite Launch Case
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FCC Reaches $900,000 Settlement in Unauthorized Satellite Launch Case

The FCC has settled an investigation into an alleged unauthorized launch and operation of small satellites by Swarm Technologies. The company agreed to a Consent Decree that…

AnyTone AT-D878UV – In-Depth Review – DMR HT with APRS!
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AnyTone AT-D878UV – In-Depth Review – DMR HT with APRS!

“The AnyTone AT-D878UV is a dual band analog FM and DMR (tier I and II) portable radio, it supports APRS, DMR Roaming and DPRS. This…

WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Unveils New Website, Initial Qualification Rules
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WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Unveils New Website, Initial Qualification Rules

The World Radiosport Team Championship 2022 (WRTC 2022) Organizing Committee has debuted its official website as well as the Initial Qualification Rules — already under debate — to be selected…